Tag: divorce healing

What Does Life After Divorce For Men Over 40 Look Like?

Posted on July 16th, 2022 A sad man lying in bed

Life after divorce for men looks different for every individual: some will feel liberated, others will feel abandoned and betrayed, some will feel hopeful, and then there are some men that are just a little lost and confused after the divorce. Although we’ve given out Divorce Advice for Men, some of the differences mentioned above […]

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Reasons You Should Hire a Divorce Coach

Posted on May 25th, 2022 A woman talking to a divorce coach with a note pad.

The emotional, financial, psychological and legal aspects of the process are enough to overwhelm even the most independently minded, strongest kind of people. Add the possible weight of children’s wellbeing, work stress and other everyday stuff and it’s not difficult to see how easy it could be to slump into defeat and despair. Many people […]

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Getting Through Divorce: Hurting, Healing, And Moving On

Posted on March 25th, 2022 A woman standing in a field with her arms in the air

Whether you had a good marriage or a bad one; regardless of if you were married for over 20 years or just a few, divorce is one of the hardest transitions that many people will have to make in their lives. Getting through divorce is no walk in the park. The fact of the matter […]

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Can a spiritual mindset help your children through divorce?

Posted on September 21st, 2018 Mindset for Children going through Divorce

This article is courtesy of my good friend Louis Weinstock… A highly respected transpersonal child and family psychotherapist with 17 years experience who tackles some great points in this exclusive article he has kindly produced for you and for us… In my clinical work with divorced or divorcing families, there is one thing I’ve learned for […]

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How long does it take to get over your divorce?

Posted on February 22nd, 2018 How long to get over divorce - Adele Theron - NakedDivorce

Ever wondered just how long it’s going to take to heal from your divorce? I know I did when I was going through my divorce.  I was also given this challenging and critical question live on-stage by my interviewer recently, and I wanted to share my answer here, and also go into a little more […]

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A Tale of Two Singletons: Part Two – Let Down Your Long Hair

Posted on April 9th, 2016 A Tale of Two Singletons: Part Two – Let Down Your Long Hair

This is the second part of a two-part series. To read the first part, click here. The other eternally single friend In my last post, I talked about one kind of eternally single friend that we all seem to have: the type who we know is awesome, isn’t shy about meeting people and always seems […]

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A Tale of Two Singletons: Part One – You Don’t Know What’s Good for You

Posted on March 22nd, 2016 A Tale of Two Singletons: Part One – You Don’t Know What’s Good for You

We all have that amazing friend who’s perpetually single, and we just can’t work out why.  You know the type: she’s smart, brilliant, beautiful and tons of fun. She dips her toes in the dating pool – perhaps she’s even the type who always seems to have the next date lined up. And yet, nothing […]

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Six Reasons You’re Doomed to Marry the Wrong Person

Posted on December 2nd, 2015 6 Reasons Doomed to Marry Wrong

“If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace.” Ever heard that at a friend’s wedding and secretly listed all the reasons in your head why this union is so obviously a bad idea? When half of marriages end in […]

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Happy Halloween!

Posted on October 31st, 2015 Happy Halloween!

To celebrate, here’s a spooktastic and fact-filled infographic from our team!

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Life’s Too Precious to Waste Wallowing in the Past – what to do if you can’t heal from divorce

Posted on October 1st, 2015 Life’s Too Precious to Waste Wallowing in the Past – what to do if you can’t heal from divorce

How many times this week have you mentally replayed a fight that you had with your ex? I want you to answer honestly. Maybe not an actual fight – maybe you pictured what you would or should have said to them. Maybe you picture a confrontation you never had, or the killer blow you wish you’d delivered […]

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