When you think of divorce lawyers, you probably think of really nasty divorces, with custody battles and bitter fights over assets. If your divorce is largely amicable and you’ve essentially already settled everything out of court, you may wonder if it’s even necessary to hire a divorce lawyer for your case. No matter who you […]
Consider that instead of biding your time to get over your divorce or waiting for ‘time to heal all wounds’, you could use the intense force of this divorce and change in your life to stimulate personal growth… Ilya Prigogine, who won a Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1977 is widely regarded as the Isaac […]
Has anyone ever warned you to stop getting so angry and bitter or you’ll make yourself sick? Far from an old wives’ tale, the negative impact that anger has on your health is thoroughly backed up by science. When you get angry, your body starts to release two chemicals designed to help you fight a […]
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