Month: September 2012

How Listening to Music Can Help Healing

Posted on September 26th, 2012

The magic of music Music is defined as “the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony and expression of emotion.” Music is an incredible part of life that is quite often not recognised for its true potential and value. According to an article on Mail Online, […]

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Handling Finances Whilst Dealing With Your Divorce

Posted on September 25th, 2012 Handling Finances Whilst Dealing With Your Divorce

Introducing Dennis Hall Dennis Hall is a leading Life Financial Planner, one of only a handful of Kinder Institute accredited Registered Life Planners. Alongside financial planning, Dennis helps his clients to discover and articulate goals and aspirations more clearly. Dennis can then tailor financial strategies to help his clients attain them. He shares some basics on managing […]

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You Are Stronger Than You Think!

Posted on September 18th, 2012 You Are Stronger Than You Think!

Strength in struggle As illustrated, finding your strength and realising your attributes are found through the struggles and pain in life, not when things are easy and you feel you’re at your strongest. It is through the weak moments that you learn and become stronger because of those circumstances. A bag of tea may look exactly the […]

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It’s Never Too Late to Find The One

Posted on September 9th, 2012

Jane Fonda on sex and intimacy The former fitness guru Jane Fonda, 74, recently revealed that she has been having the best sex of her life in the last few years. Jane — who has been married three times — said she and her partner, Richard Perry, who she first met 40 years ago, had discovered […]

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ON FM – Naked Divorce is featured on a parent programme

Posted on September 7th, 2012

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Love it Magazine features Tantrum – our new Naked Divorce club

Posted on September 7th, 2012

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More Magazine: Take your broken heart to break-up boot camp

Posted on September 6th, 2012 More Naked Divorce AdeleTheron

Have you SPLIT UP with YOUR MAN and feel like you’ll never get over it? Follow our 30-day guide to MOVING ON from your ex… “The end of a relationship can be horrendously  difficult to deal with”, says break-up expert Adele Theron, author of Naked Divorce. “But you can speed up the recovery process and […]

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You Cannot Solve a Problem with the Same Thinking that Got You There

Posted on September 5th, 2012

Ever been stuck in a situation or a problem but not know how to get out of it? Life throws us lots of different hurdles and hiccups along the way. People disappoint us; we disappoint ourselves. But our biggest mistake is not that we made the mistake in the first place. Our past can determine who […]

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