Countless hearts have braved the storm of divorce, wrestling with the emotional wreckage it leaves behind. But beyond the pain lies a story of resilience, renewal, and the return to joy.
(And I’m here to show you how they recovered.)

Does This Sound Like You?

  • Feeling down, depressed or stuck.
  • Feel out of control?
  • Don’t know how, or can’t find the time to heal?
  • Don’t like the sound of months (or years) of traditional therapy without any guarantees of success?
  • Feel you’re never going to find the right one, and possibly even destined to live a life-time alone


If one does, then it’s time to take some proactive action…


Find healing and emotional freedom as you break free from the pain of divorce.

Online Program | Access Anywhere & Anytime | 7 Days Trial | Risk Free | Result Guaranteed


  • 3 Divorce phases
  • 8 Warm-up lessons​
  • 29 Lessons​
  • 40 Videos​
  • Daily journal​
  • 39 Exercises​
  • Ethics module​
Naked Divorce Images


Start Your Journey to Healing

Hi, I am Adèle Theron, and I am an internationally acclaimed mentor and executive coach, certified trauma coach and best-selling author. Over 10032 individual clients over 15 years have benefited from my work as a private coach or as part of a group workshop. On this page, I’m excited to share with you how our program works, what it covers, and what you can expect to gain from it. You’ll discover what sets our approach to healing after divorce trauma apart from anything else out there, and most importantly, how this program can empower you to move from suffering to healing sooner, rather than later.


But, first, let’s acknowledge the reality…

Healing from the emotional trauma of divorce can be an incredibly challenging journey, it can feel like your world has been turned upside down, leaving you in a bewildering state where making things right seems impossible.

You may be experiencing sleepless nights, anxiety, and tears. Your emotions might swing wildly, like a pendulum, throughout the day. You may find yourself lost in thoughts, wondering, “How could this have happened?”

It’s common to feel like you’re not just a victim of divorce trauma but also a victim of your own thoughts. Intrusive images and relentless thinking can plunge you into a never-ending spiral of suffering.


Where are you in your healing journey?

When it comes to healing from divorce, there are two significant myths we need to dispel. The first is the belief that healing is merely a matter of time, and the second is that it relies on luck. While time and luck may have some influence, their roles are relatively small.

Genuine healing after divorce hinges on two key factors:

  • Responding to your pain appropriately.
  • Equipping yourself with the tools to cope with your situation effectively.

As you navigate your post-divorce healing journey, which involves emotions like Shock, Panic, Anger, Grief, Acceptance, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, it’s crucial to understand that the healing process is not solely reliant on time or chance. Proactively addressing your emotional needs and having the necessary coping mechanisms are fundamental to your recovery.


Divorce Emotions - Journey Group

The Seven Divorce Emotions

However, it’s important to recognize that not everyone successfully completes this journey without professional assistance. Neglecting the emotional aftermath of divorce can expose you to mental and physical risks, which include:



Data: Web MD study conducted in 2019 – check statistics here:



Data: National Center for Biotechnology Information



Divorce Rates: 1st marriage: 50%, 2nd: 67%, 3rd: 74% [USA]

You have the potential to make a difference, you just need the right mental strategy

When it comes to healing from the emotional turmoil of divorce, it’s essential to recognize that you may find yourself feeling stuck in negative emotions like shock, panic, anger, and grief. These emotions can create illusions of inadequacy, casting shadows on your self-worth and abilities. It’s crucial to understand that these illusions don’t reflect your true capabilities but rather cloud your belief in yourself, prolonging your suffering.

The most perilous trap is believing that you’re powerless to escape this suffering, even if you earnestly desire to do so. But you’re not powerless; you just need the right mental strategy to break free from these debilitating emotions.


That’s where I come in…

Are you stuck in the negative divorce emotions? It’s a fundamental question, and what truly matters is where you want to go from here. You face two paths: one that leads you back to suffering and another that guides you toward healing. My hope is that you’ll choose the path to healing.

I won’t convince you or push you into something you don’t desire.

You’re here for a reason.

My unique approach to divorce trauma recovery is grounded in a few crucial principles:

  • I believe that no one should suffer longer than necessary over an undeserved hurt. Feeling stuck in negative emotion isn’t by choice but by not knowing how to stop it.
  • We have the power to heal ourselves and move past suffering, no matter how intense it may seem.

My approach consists of three key parts:

  • Get Unstuck

    Uncover the inhibitors which are keeping you stuck

  • Get clear and choose

    Discover the 5 key frameworks that will help you identify, organize and plan your next steps.

  • Move Forward

    Address any concerns or challenges that may arise as you move forward, equipping yourself with the tools to overcome them.


The key question is, will my approach help you?

If you believe that my professional expertise can make a difference for you, I invite you to join my DIY 21-Day Emotional Freedom Program. This program provides you with online access to the tools and strategies I’ve developed over a decade, all from the comfort of your home.

Welcome to the DIY 21-Day Emotional Freedom Program for Divorce Trauma Recovery

Reclaim the happiness and peace after divorce in just 21 Days

Designed With You in Mind

We understand the pain, the doubts, and the questions that come with divorce. That’s why we’re here to guide you, support you, and empower you to not just survive but thrive. In these next 21 days, you’ll experience transformation like never before.

This online program offers you the convenience to participate from anywhere, anytime, keeping you on track with your healing journey. So, if you’re ready to let go of the past, rebuild your self-esteem, and rediscover the joy that life has to offer, your new life is about to begin.


World-Class Comprehensive Divorce Recovery Program.

The program uses video, text, audio, podcast, online quizzes, online training systems, journals, ethics boards, daily checklists, and an array of other tools, techniques, and media formats in a carefully choreographed structure to generate incredible personal transformations.

The online learning system uses the latest Learning Technology provided by Moodle Learning System, the same technology used by hundreds of leading universities around the world.


What You Won’t Find:

  • No judgment or negativity about why such situations occur.
  • No fear-based tactics to motivate you; we believe in positive reinforcement.
  • You’re not gonna get any lofty, academic mumbo jumbo, or generic advice during the program.


What You Will Find:

  • A proven plan that works.
  • Specific guidance for real, tangible results.
  • Positive reinforcement to shift the power back into your hands.
  • The best part? All resources are available online, allowing you to access professional expertise at a fraction of the cost of private coaching, all from the comfort of your home.

Proven Step-By-Step Process

Emotional Freedom Program Curriculum

WARM UP PHASE (3 hours)

There is a warm-up phase to this program. You can complete these lessons as fast or slow as you wish.

  • Warm-Up 0
  • Warm-Up 1
  • Warm-Up 2
  • Warm-Up 3
  • Warm-Up 4
  • Warm-Up 5
  • Warm-Up 6
  • Warm-Up 7

Divorce CocoonThe first module is focused on restoring balance. During a significant separation, breakup, or divorce, our emotions can go haywire. Before you consider making any critical decisions, we first need to get you grounded, and emotionally stable. To begin, you’ll create a strong solid foundation so you have a supportive environment to contain your transformation.

You’ll regain confidence, self-esteem and control.  And feel invincibly tough in the face of change or criticism.  And you’ll absorb the principles, ethics and structure of the program, so you’re ready and excited to begin transforming. If you are in the middle of your divorce then we may recommend to make the cocoon period a bit longer. Only leave cocoon once you have passed the test!

  • About you
  • Healthy GROUNDED Routines
  • Daily Checklist
  • Follow the rules
  • Physicality
  • Foundation

MetamorphosisHere the true healing begins. Inside the cocoon, the caterpillar is rapidly healing and changing, preparing to burst out as a beautiful butterfly. A caterpillar CANNOT grow wings without being contained but once contained, the real work can begin… With step-by-step guidance and around-the-clock support if you choose to have support, you’ll focus with high intention on your healing and take courageous steps daily. With intensive work on your old relationship, healing your heart and repairing relationship wounds.

The Metamorphosis involves intensive work to focus on your old relationship, what you learnt, what the source of your divorce was, getting over your ex, healing your heart and repairing relationship wounds. Rapid changes happen within a short period of time. 

  • Telling your Relationship story
  • Consideration
  • Healing memories
  • Shifting your Perception
  • Releasing Emotions
  • Completion
  • Hear the sorry
  • Future framework
  • Learning
  • Source of divorce

ReleaseWith all pain and emotional trauma gone, feeling light, free and happy, you’re now ready to work on your future, dreams and desires.
Get back in touch with yourself again, change beliefs, set boundaries, and know with crystal clarity what you want from your next relationship. The Release focuses on your future, your desires for your next relationship, your relationship with yourself, and getting back in touch with who you are as a person. 

As you enter the final stages of Release, not only will you feel more alive, but you will begin to be free from the constraints of the past and from making excuses to delay having the life you deserve and love. 

  • Forgiveness
  • The Vow Break
  • Unpacking all your relationship baggage
  • Your values
  • Loving yourself as a function of boundaries
  • Designing your new life
  • Celebrating your new life

The Internet’s #1 Divorce Recovery Company – Magazine

“The most rewarding programme!”

Naked Divorce really allowed me to focus on my effort. This is a huge determining factor in the overall success!

Watch Case Study →

Tom opens up on the multitude of benefits he experienced after completing the 21 day programme with Naked Divorce

“I was blown away by it all!”

I was all packed and ready to go! Once I really put my mind to it all, the wonderful results started to flourish.

Watch Case Study →

Kerry shares her journey through the Naked Divorce Program
Kerry, 41

“The best decision I’ve ever made!”

Marie shares her experiences of doing the Haven Retreat at Chang Mai. She couldn’t believe the results!

Watch Case Study →

Marie shares her experience of doing the Haven Retreat @ Chiang Mai

Why We're Your Game-Changing Choice

The Emotional Freedom Program was built to give you an easy, powerful, and swift way to heal from divorce. So you can get back to living, rather than being stuck in the past.

Guaranteed - 30 day money-back guarantee included with every program
Fast - Intensive program, achieves rapid results
Multi-tech - Highly trained across many trauma coaching technologies
Divorce Program - Cheap
Fixed cost - All our programs are transparent with fixed pricing
Naked Divorce Expert
Expert - We are specialists in getting over divorce

What You Can Expect to Learn in 21 Days

In this program, you will discover a wealth of techniques and insights, including:

  • Let Go Of Your Emotional Hurt
  • Powerfully Role Model How To Overcome Adversity For Your Kids
  • Reclaim Your Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem
  • Take Control Of Your Thoughts, Emotions And Actions
  • Free Your Mind Of Blame, Hurt And Anger
  • Rediscover Yourself And Find A More Positive Direction In Life
  • Breakthrough The Victim Mindset
  • Get Clear About Your Divorce Story
  • Stop The Cycle Of Downloading To Family And Friends About Your Ex
  • Create Healthy Boundaries
  • Master Positive Communication Strategies To Use When Dealing With Your Ex
  • Understand Exactly What You Want In Future Relationships
  • Rediscover Joy And Happiness In Everyday Life
  • Close The Chapter On Divorce And Start Your NEW LIFE


By the time you’re halfway through the program, you’ll notice a significant reduction in your anxieties about coping with divorce trauma. By the end of the 21 days, you’ll have a renewed sense of confidence, and the painful thoughts and images that once consumed you will begin to loosen their grip. Healing is believing you have the power to transcend suffering.

Start Your Journey to Healing

What makes us the best in divorce trauma recovery?

Naked Divorce is Results Driven


We are obsessed with performance. To make sure we continue to be the best in the industry, we measure everything










If you want mediocre results train for an hour-a-week.

If you want exceptional results train for an hour-a-day.

3 Divorce phases​
8 Warm-up lessons​
29 Lessons​
40 Videos​
Daily journal​
39 Exercises​
Ethics module​



Try EVERYTHING for full 7 Days, risk free!


Begin your healing today and reclaim control over your life, in the comfort of your own home around your busy schedule.  You’re just 21 days away from a healed and happy new life. We’re so confident we offer you a complete money back guarantee. Access the program, watch the videos, complete the exercises, download the files, grab the bonuses. If you feel that this isn’t the greatest divorce program of its kind, we’ll send you all your money back. You don’t need to send anything back. All you need to do is email me your receipt with the “I didn’t love the program” and we’ll give you back your money no questions asked. Sound more than fair?

Naked Divorce is Results Driven

Program Feedback

*taken from over 7453 participants over 8 years











Divorce Program - Trust Pilot

Emotional Freedom Divorce Program - Testimonial KS
Emotional Freedom Divorce Program - Testimonial STam


You’ve seen the incredible benefits that the Naked Divorce 21-Day Emotional Freedom Program can offer you. Now, let’s talk about how you can get started today and take advantage of our special limited-time offer.


But wait, there’s more!

Enroll Today and Receive These Exclusive Bonuses:

Free Bonus #1: "Relaxation and Calming Audio Download" - Inside the program, you'll find a soothing audio resource designed to help you find tranquility during challenging times.


Free Bonus #2: Digital book "Divorce and Shit at It: A No BS Program to Get Over Divorce in 21 Days" by Adele Theron exclusively available within the program.

Explore Everything for a Full 7 Days, Completely Risk-Free.

Don’t let the pain of divorce hold you back any longer. Your transformation starts right here, right now. Secure your spot, claim your bonuses, and take advantage of this limited-time pricing. Click below to enroll and unlock the emotional freedom you deserve.


“Start Your Journey to Emotional Freedom Now”

Enroll Now →

Inspirational Stories of Transformation After Completing Our 21-Day Program

Gratitude for My Divorce Angel

This program mended my heart and rebuilt my confidence. I fondly call you the ‘narcissist whisperer’; your advice transformed my approach to my ex. My divorce is progressing amicably, and I’ve found someone lovely—the opposite of my ex. ‘Boring’ is pretty damn great.

Read Case Study →


My Healing Journey in New Zealand

Adele’s insightful guidance and intensive immersion therapy transformed my life in just three weeks. Highly recommend her!

Watch Case Study →


Unforgettable Hospitality

Discover the heartfelt gratitude and cherished memories as Sally’s hospitality turns a trip into an extraordinary experience. A bond that guarantees a return.

Read Case Study →


Practical Course Boosts Social Skills

Discover a practical course that enhances social skills for everyday interactions, parties, golfing, and more. Feel optimistic with entertaining instructor.

Read Case Study →


Life-Changing: Heal, Grow, and Love Yourself

I found the life-changing Emotional Freedom Program. It helped me heal, grow, and love myself with expert coaching and counseling.

Read Case Study →


Program That Freed Me From Emotional Baggage

The result was I could interact with ex-husband peacefully and focus on raising their son.

Read Case Study →


Emotions at the end of Naked Divorce Programs

Naked Divorce as a Professional Service









Frequently Asked Questions

Court Approved?

Yes – documents from the Naked Divorce Emotional Freedom Program can be submitted to court if so needed. This has been accepted and approved in the past as evidence of attempting to restore the marriage.

How do I upgrade?

You can upgrade after making your purchase.

You will have the option to upgrade your program to include Divorce Coach support after completing your package (just wait for the web page to load after purchase).

How do I get support during my program?

You can upgrade to get support at ANY time!

You will get an option to upgrade following your purchase of the Naked Divorce 21 Day Program. You can upgrade at any time, the sooner you upgrade, the more support you will receive.

How long does the program last?

It’s up to you!

The program is designed to be completed in 21 days. This assumes that you complete the tasks in order, and on schedule, completing 1 day’s tasks each day.

However if you take a break, miss a day, etc. then you can pick up where you left of at any time. That said, the program works best when momentum is generated, and kept. So if you do fall behind for any reason, to re-engage, and re-commit as soon as possible to generate the best possible results.

Who is this program for?

The program is for ANY man, or woman going through a breakup or divorce.

There are separate programs for Men and Women. Both programs are suitable for all sexual preferences, any age, or any religion.

Note: the program is delivered in English.

Do I have to complete everything in 21 days, what if I fall behind?

You can take as long as you like to complete the Naked Divorce 21 Day Program.

Whilst we encourage you to complete the course in 21 days, there are many people who miss a day here or there, and take slightly longer to complete the tasks. The program is always available, and you can return to the program at any time.

If you do fall-behind, just pick up where you left off.

The program is ‘smart’ so you will not be able to ‘skip’ days, until the tasks have been completed.

What’s included in the Naked Divorce Emotional Freedom program?

The Naked Divorce Emotional Freedom program includes:
  • Access to the online Naked Divorce Program
  • Daily tasks
  • Daily videos
  • Exercises
  • Tips
  • Ethics chart
  • Declarations
  • Performance monitoring
  • And much more.

How do I know the testimonials are genuine?

All video and written testimonials are 100% genuine.

All video and written testimonials are 100% genuine, and delivered by participants without payment or financial incentive.

We know there are some less-scrupulous people in our industry who make dubious claims, and use faked testimonials. We assure you we want nothing to do with such people, their actions harm the whole industry, and prevent some people from getting treatment and support who need it.

In addition to the videos, and written testimonials on our website we have also partnered with an external company TrustPilot. You can view Naked Divorce testimonials on their website using the link.

What if I change my mind, and want to cancel?

With include a No-Risk, no-quibble 7 day guarantee.

This means that if you change your mind, for whatever reason you can request, and will receive a full refund within 7 days of you having access to the program following your purchase.

To do so, just send an email to [email protected].

Note: Sending an email to that address will create a ‘ticket’, which will then be processed at end in good time. It is NOT a genuine email address, where your message could get over-looked.

As such you can purchase risk-free.

Is enrolment immediate after payment?

You should receive your username and password immediately BUT sometimes we have to manually add you to the online program following your payment.

This is completed as swiftly as possible.

Are the Men and Women programs the same?

The Men and Women’s program’s are very similar.

The content is largely similar. With the same ethics, goals, and strategies used to achieve the results. There are some subtle differences that we have learned work for one sex better than the other, so each has been slightly modified for their user.

Are there any other costs I should know about?

There are no additional payments, or purchased need to complete the course.

Some choose to upgrade their program to have the additional support of Divorce Coach (Divorce Coach), but this is optional.

Who created the program?

The Naked Divorce 21 Day Emotional Freedom Program was researched, created, and produced by our founder Adèle Théron.

You can learn more about Adèle Théron here.

We Guarantee Your Investment
Our program comes with a 100% guarantee. We believe it will help you, and if it doesn’t, we’ll give your money back without any hassle. However, if it doesn’t live up to your expectations, we’ll promptly refund your money – no complications, no guilt, and no questions asked.

The Decision is Yours
You’ve come this far, and I bet you’ve got all the insights you need to determine if the “DIY 21-Day Emotional Freedom Program” is a fit for your unique journey. The opportunity is knocking; it’s now up to you to take that initial stride towards healing and emotional liberation.

My Hopes for You
I want to help you move through the pain and heal as quickly as possible. We aim to free you from any feelings of inadequacy that may be holding you back. We expect you to emerge from this program stronger and more confident than before your divorce. We firmly believe that you can bounce back stronger and more self-assured.

Why Am I Confident in Your Success
I’m confident because I believe you have untapped potential and strength within you. When this power awakens, your insecurities will fade, and healing will become a reality. I believe my program can be the catalyst to unlock that inner power.

Start Your Healing Journey Here
Join our “DIY 21-Day Emotional Freedom Program” and discover the end of pain and the tremendous strength and confidence waiting for you. We look forward to having you on this transformative journey.


Remember, healing after divorce is not a simple process, but it’s absolutely worth the effort.
