Month: December 2014

7 Reasons Your Bad Divorce Etiquette is Stopping Your Recovery

Posted on December 22nd, 2014 7 Reasons Your Bad Divorce Etiquette is Stopping Your Recovery

Four days into my divorce I hadn’t eaten for three days, I’d been in my tracksuit for 36 hours straight and had chain-smoked 40 cigarettes – and I’m not even a smoker. A huge pile of laundry lay on the couch waiting to be ironed, and used tissues were everywhere. The house was in absolute […]

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Are You Choosing Your Life Or Just Surviving?

Posted on December 15th, 2014 Are You Choosing Your Life Or Just Surviving?

Old stuck emotions held you down, unable to rise above survival mode or think beyond it. When you don’t face those emotions and work to release them permanently you’re just stuck struggling to deal with them day by day, while also trying to operate a normal life and survive.

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Sick of Suffering for Others? Stop Being a Martyr!

Posted on December 8th, 2014 Sick of Suffering for Others? Stop Being a Martyr!

How can you give so much but feel so empty and angry? If you’re a martyr, you’re selfish and you’re not giving freely. You tell others you are, but you’re not. And because of this you’re suffering in silence… and causing it all yourself. The motivation of a martyr is to sacrifice themselves for someone else […]

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Stop Fixating On Your Ex and Focus On Yourself!

Posted on December 1st, 2014 Stop fixating on your ex - Focus

Let me tell you a bit about one of my clients, I’ll call her Molly… Molly came to see me towards the end of 2009. She’d been divorced for six years and in all that time hadn’t stopped obsessing about what her ex-husband was up to. In the beginning, she would talk about only one […]

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