Category: * Finances


Posted on June 1st, 2022 A woman works out finances at her computer.

Divorce isn’t easy for anyone. It’s an emotionally and psychologically draining process for all that go through it. However, women tend to have extra hurdles that they need to clear in the divorce process. Financial difficulties are one of the biggest challenges that women face when going through a divorce. At Naked Divorce, we focus […]

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Surviving divorce: How to manage your financial sanity

Posted on March 19th, 2020

Managing your finances is never easy, especially after a divorce. Besides the emotional turmoil caused by separating with a spouse, it might also cause manacles of financial hiccups. Some people rely on professional assistance to avoid experiencing poor credit scores and enhance their financial performance. As you work on getting a post-divorce lawyer, the following […]

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How to Sell Your House Fast after Divorce

Posted on February 25th, 2020

Getting divorced is typically a stressful and challenging time, but there are some steps you can take to make the process go as smoothly as possible. Once you’ve decided to separate, it’s better for everyone involved if things progress quickly and with as little hassle as possible. One of the main areas of contention in […]

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Do amicable divorces need divorce lawyers?

Posted on July 24th, 2019

When you think of divorce lawyers, you probably think of really nasty divorces, with custody battles and bitter fights over assets. If your divorce is largely amicable and you’ve essentially already settled everything out of court, you may wonder if it’s even necessary to hire a divorce lawyer for your case. No matter who you […]

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Why Losing Your Home Feels Like the Worst Part of Late Life Divorce

Posted on June 22nd, 2016 The Worst Part of Late Life Divorce

Congratulations! You made it all the way through to retirement together. You survived all those early fights, the nappy duties, the teenager tantrums, the little jealousies and resentments, the financial strains, the never-ending couple conflicts, and now… Now you’ve decided enough is enough. You don’t want to grow old together, after all. You’re getting divorced. […]

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Divorce and the Economy: Some Surprising Figures

Posted on February 7th, 2014 Divorce and the Economy: Some Surprising Figures

Many people believe that hard times, such as the current recession, can put even the strongest marriage under strain. You might expect marriages to break down more readily. However, a recent article in the Daily Express reveals some surprising statistics. A study in the US shows that between 2008 and 2009 the divorce rate for […]

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Contemplating Divorce? Here are Some Important Financial Considerations

Posted on July 20th, 2013 Contemplating Divorce? Here are Some Important Financial Considerations

My late good friend Hannah Foxley wrote a corker of an article on things to consider financially before divorcing. She has sadly passed away since then but in her memory here are some tips written by her hand. Get ready for some good info… In the emotional haze of early divorce proceedings, it is often […]

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Handling Finances Whilst Dealing With Your Divorce

Posted on September 25th, 2012 Handling Finances Whilst Dealing With Your Divorce

Introducing Dennis Hall Dennis Hall is a leading Life Financial Planner, one of only a handful of Kinder Institute accredited Registered Life Planners. Alongside financial planning, Dennis helps his clients to discover and articulate goals and aspirations more clearly. Dennis can then tailor financial strategies to help his clients attain them. He shares some basics on managing […]

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The REAL cost of divorce

Posted on May 26th, 2012

Divorce in many cases is becoming a fast route to poverty. Not only does divorce often bring a severe heartbreak that can take a vast time to heal.  Research shows that people are not healing from divorce. > The 2nd marriage divorce rate is 53% > 3rd marriage divorce rate is 72% and > 4th […]

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The benefits of Family mediation…

Posted on November 12th, 2011 The benefits of Family mediation…

Between 32-55% of marriages end in divorce. Although this statistic is pretty dreadful, it’s a sad reality about marriages today. The actual process of separating and divorcing is relatively straightforward, and it is possible for a couple to complete the task themselves without professional help, for a small sum of money in court fees. However, […]

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