Category: * Cost of divorce

Healing from Divorce Trauma : 8 Essential Steps for Your Peaceful Life after Divorce

Posted on August 21st, 2023 Person at crossroads, representing healing from divorce trauma. Seven stepping stones symbolize essential steps for overcoming divorce trauma and embracing growth.

Have you wondered how to navigate life after divorce and healing from divorce trauma? Emerging from the emotional turmoil and uncertainties that divorce brings is a journey that requires time, resilience, and self-discovery. Did you know that studies show the profound impact of intentional healing on post-divorce well-being? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll lead you […]

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Posted on June 1st, 2022 A woman works out finances at her computer.

Divorce isn’t easy for anyone. It’s an emotionally and psychologically draining process for all that go through it. However, women tend to have extra hurdles that they need to clear in the divorce process. Financial difficulties are one of the biggest challenges that women face when going through a divorce. At Naked Divorce, we focus […]

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How to Sell Your House Fast after Divorce

Posted on February 25th, 2020

Getting divorced is typically a stressful and challenging time, but there are some steps you can take to make the process go as smoothly as possible. Once you’ve decided to separate, it’s better for everyone involved if things progress quickly and with as little hassle as possible. One of the main areas of contention in […]

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Is divorce too hard? Marriage too easy?

Posted on April 9th, 2019 Divorce laws change - uk

Divorce shouldn’t be a drama, there I’ve said it… Whilst divorce is often a highly emotional time, and there are definitely significant hurdles to overcome (finances, children, accommodation, property, asset-division, emotional well-being, and more), the drama of divorce is in-my-opinion significantly increased due to the nature of the divorce law itself. Divorce is legally difficult There’s […]

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Later life divorce…

Posted on September 4th, 2016 Later life divorce…

Congratulations! You made it all the way through to retirement together. You survived all those early fights, the nappy duties, the teenager tantrums, the little jealousies and resentments, the financial strains, the never-ending couple conflicts, and now… Now you’ve decided enough is enough. You don’t want to grow old together, after all. You’re getting divorced. […]

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Is Robin Williams’ Death on his Ex-Wives’ Hands?

Posted on August 13th, 2014

I had a very tossy and turny sleep and woke up utterly furious. This never happens to me, but whenever I get this angry about something, I know a chord has been struck. Robin Williams’ death is utterly tragic. The world has been in collective shock and it’s reached in and grabbed people by the […]

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Are You Ready for Divorce?

Posted on February 11th, 2014 Are You Ready for Divorce?

Divorce is a massive decision to make in anyone’s life; you need to carefully evaluate if you are ready to take that step. Watch this video to evaluate your state of mind to ensure that this big decision is definitely for you; if not, get counselling to work through your issues first! There is also […]

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Divorce and the Economy: Some Surprising Figures

Posted on February 7th, 2014 Divorce and the Economy: Some Surprising Figures

Many people believe that hard times, such as the current recession, can put even the strongest marriage under strain. You might expect marriages to break down more readily. However, a recent article in the Daily Express reveals some surprising statistics. A study in the US shows that between 2008 and 2009 the divorce rate for […]

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You Are 30% More Likely to Divorce This Friday

Posted on January 2nd, 2014

How incredibly sad! There is actually a D-DAY where family law firms and lawyers see a spike in people enquiring about divorce. That day is the first day back to work after New Year’s Day, i.e. Friday 3 January 2014. More than any other day, there is a 30% spike in enquiries on this day. […]

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Contemplating Divorce? Here are Some Important Financial Considerations

Posted on July 20th, 2013 Contemplating Divorce? Here are Some Important Financial Considerations

My late good friend Hannah Foxley wrote a corker of an article on things to consider financially before divorcing. She has sadly passed away since then but in her memory here are some tips written by her hand. Get ready for some good info… In the emotional haze of early divorce proceedings, it is often […]

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