Month: July 2016

Compromising Who You Are? Look Forward to that Midlife Crisis Divorce

Posted on July 13th, 2016 Midlife Crisis Divorce - image

Relationships are about compromise. Right? I mean, we hear that a hundred times a day. It’s drilled into us non-stop. If you want to make your marriage work (and avoid divorce), you have to be willing to compromise. But what does “compromise” actually mean? There’s a huge difference between accepting that you won’t always get […]

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Are You a Therapy Junkie?

Posted on July 6th, 2016 Are You a Therapy Junkie?

Recently I had a client in her 60s (I’ll call her Tammy) who had spent 12 long years in therapy, trying to figure out what was wrong with her and searching for ways to improve. Tammy had tried every self-help, positive thinking, mind-opening, behaviour-correcting course you can think of. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? Check! DBT? Check! […]

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