TherapiesUsed Naked Divorce

What therapies do we use inside Naked Divorce?

Good work men arrive with everything in their tool box. Similarly we use a wide range of techniques to produce the results we do…

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“When people divorce, it’s always such a tragedy. At the same time, if people stay together it can be even worse.”

Monica Bellucci

What is the Naked Divorce Therapeutic Framework?

Primarily Naked Divorce uses coaching techniques to help navigate the steps through their divorce recovery. That means our programs are forward-focused and not psychiatric or psychological in nature. Whereas the team is trained in trauma treatments, we are COACHES and set goals with our clients and empower them to achieve them. We do not do psychotherapy or psychiatric support so if you are worried about your participation in our programs, do not participate. Please see our terms and conditions accordingly.

We utilize 43 different techniques adapted to coaching within the Naked Divorce series of programs which is endorsed by several psychiatrists and psychologists worldwide for the rigour of its design structure as well as it’s option to purchase 24/7 support if required. The framework used to tie all our programs together is known as Perturbation® – a breakthrough self-healing holistic framework in handling the impact of emotional traumas in an effective and time-efficient way. Some of the therapies used are developed by Adele Theron and are registered trademarks of Naked Recovery Ltd.

Coaching Techniques we use

Clinical Hypnotherapy through various audio programmes created which support the emotional recovery programs
Cognitive Processing Therapy adapted for coaching
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Techniques in one-to-one or online coaching
The Worry Buster® developed by Richard Bandler
Family Mediation Techniques
Timeline Therapy developed by Tad James
7 NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) Master Practitioner Techniques
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Grounded Routine Techniques
Reframing Methods
Working with STEATS® (Short Term Emotion Avoidance Tactics)
TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) trained by David Berceli adapted for coaching
The Naked Divorce Anger Management ® Techniques
Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques
CBT Enhanced Reliving Method adapted for coaching
The Vow Break®
The Trauma Diet®
The Impact Analysis model developed by Werner Erhardt
The John Demartini Breakthrough Method
Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages
The Imago Therapy Fuser-Isolator Model developed by Harville Hendriks
Codependency and Attachment trauma models
Addiction and the 12 steps model adapted for coaching
Relationship Baggage Buster®
The Naked Divorce Principles of Keeping Love Alive®
The relationship Polarity model of balancing masculine and feminine developed by David Deida
Child Needs Analysis and Parenting Plans developed by various child psychologists cited in the work
Fundamentals of Emotionally Honest Communication
Somatic Processing by Peter Levin
Family Trauma Therapies adapted for coaching
The Tantrum Hoffman Process for Anger Management
Boundary Setting and Values Analysis
Anthony Robbins’ 5 R’s of suppression in relationships
Karpman’s Drama Triangle
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy exercises for processing strong emotions adapted for coaching
Emotional Release (ER) Techniques adapted for coaching
Executive Coaching
Negotiation Techniques taught by William Ury and Non-Violent Communication techniques taught by Marshall Rosenburg
Dispute Resolution Processing
Parenting Plan Contract Negotiation

Perturbation® Framework

The Perturbation® Framework ties everything together. Adele created the Perturbation® Framework after studying renowned trauma techniques developed over 100 years as well as studying everything developed by Ilya Prigogine, who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1977. He is widely regarded as the Isaac Newton of our time. In his work, Prigogine studied how organisms behave and transform when put under pressure which gives us some insights into how human beings transform under pressure. Through research, the Naked Divorce team arrived at a 3-step approach for dealing with chaos and change in applying the scientific theories to practice in the corporate world. The same principles have been expanded into handling divorce, redundancies and can be used in coping with illness, death and mild PTS. The Perturbation® Framework is the reason our programs can operate successfully with very little therapeutic interaction. Adele created this framework after supporting thousands of people through their divorce either directly, in groups or using her online programs. Adele is currently working on her MPsych and doctorate at Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom looking into the case studies supporting the power of this holistic framework making it possible for people to heal themselves from trauma using coaching techniques and technologies.

Naked Divorce has a solution for all stages of the divorce journey


Naked Divorce provides real-time rapid solutions to the life crises which develop out of divorce. Our Solutions include real-time online programs, rapid transformation retreats and real-time online coaching programs across the whole divorce journey. Our mission is to revolutionise the time-to-heal from emotional traumas to empower everyone to move forward faster. We achieve this by providing effective transformational programs with around-the-clock coaching support on tap. We are known for leaving our customers released from their suffering so they are free to begin living their new lives.

“If You Don't Heal What Hurt You, You'll Bleed on People Who Didn't Cut You.”


Endorsed by 20 experts globally

Dr Billing, Trauma Specialist, UCL, UK
Dr Lee, Berkshire Trauma Service, UK
Dr Pezzini, Industrial Psychologist, LA, USA
Dr Sahin, Psychiatrist, Royal Derby Hospital, UK
Dr Morgan, General Medical Practitioner, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Sinta Ebersohn, Founder Fair Divorce
Naim Qureshi, Cooperative Family Lawyer
Suzy Miller, Founder Alternative Divorce
Dr Soila Sindiyo, Child Trauma Psychologist, London, UK
Nea Clark, Psychotherapist, London, UK
Brooke Kennedy, Trauma Psychologist, USA
Cecile Font, Psychotherapist, Avignon, France
Cheryl Sheriff, Nurse at Ideal Birth, Brisbane, Australia
Janine Copeland, Psychotherapist, Canada
Annie Kendall, Founder Hello Mojo Divorce Apps and Magazine, Australia
Andrew Ellis, Founder Divorced Parents Magazine
Dr Michelle Nentwig, Medical Doctor Kansas City

Solve big divorce problems effortlessly

Naked Divorce Services

At Naked Divorce we have specialists on hand to support you through the whole divorce journey with the aim to make the journey as drama-free and structured as possible. We help our clients bring order to the chaos and to solve big problems effortlessly. Our services are across the whole divorce journey.

Divorce can be transformational. Even empowering...

Hear how hundreds of people have completely recovered using Naked Divorce…

“Unbelievable, really life changing”

Canadian Catherine shares her transformational experience of doing the Haven retreat in Chiang Mai.

Watch Case Study →

Catherine on doing the Haven Naked Divorce retreat

Transformed after 10 years of trauma.

After my traumatic separation, the 21-day program with my coach Adele helped me find hope and healing. With daily routines, I’m now a better, more grounded and empathetic person.

Read Case Study →


How Adele Helped Us Find Our Voices and Separate as Friends

After 16 years together, my husband and I were trapped in a cycle of resentment and silence, unable to communicate. Adele’s no-nonsense, mirror-holding approach helped us rediscover our voices and gain self-awareness we never thought possible. With her guidance, we’re separating as friends, co-parenting successfully, and embracing this transition with open communication and mutual respect. Adele’s expertise is truly life-changing.

Read Case Study →


“The most rewarding programme!”

Naked Divorce really allowed me to focus on my effort. This is a huge determining factor in the overall success!

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Tom opens up on the multitude of benefits he experienced after completing the 21 day programme with Naked Divorce

“100% real, 100% effective!”

I was just amazed at how each step truly worked and how I felt myself making legitimate progress with each!

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Meagan shares her experience of completing the 21 day Naked Divorce Program

My Healing Journey in New Zealand

Adele’s insightful guidance and intensive immersion therapy transformed my life in just three weeks. Highly recommend her!

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Naked Divorce is Results Driven

All our programs are results-driven​

We are obsessed with performance. To make sure we continue to be the best in the industry, we measure everything









"The Internet's #1 Divorce Recovery Company" Magazine

Naked Divorce Recovery Data​

Collated user feedback taken prior to Naked Divorce and after the completion of Naked Divorce

Data: Data above is based on self assessment from customers completing the Naked Divorce Clarity and Haven retreats as well as all of our online programs. This program (or variations) started in 2012 and data has been recorded from mid 2017.

Data: Data is updated every quarter. Last Update: 03 Jan 2020.

We serve customers from all across the world. We can serve you too.

Naked Divorce Global Team

Naked Divorce Established


Adele Theron

The UKs number 1 Divorce Coach

Adele Theron Naked Divorce Divorce Coach Get Over Divorce Program
Adele Theron Naked Divorce Divorce Coach Get Over Divorce Program

The Founder of Naked Divorce Adèle Théron speaking on stage at the Mermaid Theatre, London

World class Divorce Coaches

I'm Sally, a Divorce Coach and relationship coach with Naked Divorce

About Sally Golding

I'm Adele, the Founder and proud to be the head coach of Naked Divorce

About Adele Theron

I'm Valerie, a Divorce Coach and relationship coach with Naked Divorce

About Valerie Sher

I'm Salli, a Divorce and relationship coach with Naked Divorce

About Salli Andrews

I'm Brenda, a Divorce and relationship coach with Naked Divorce

About Brenda Wilson

Widely Acclaimed

All Naked Divorce coaching programs are powerful in enabling you to reach clarity on your next steps and support you to initiate, implement and integrate the change into your life, ensuring that you transition your partnership to co-parent effectively. We deliver amazing breakthrough results for 97% of our participants. All programs are, not just from our customers, but also from the press, leading psychologists, psychiatrists and practitioners worldwide. This program has been featured on Sky News, BBC Breakfast, Marie Claire, Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and many many many others…

Divorce Program - Trust Pilot

Emotional Freedom Divorce Program - Testimonial KS
Emotional Freedom Divorce Program - Testimonial STam

"Me and my ex are true partners in crime now. I thank this program for creating the structure for us to consciously uncouple"


"The support I received in planning my divorce powerfully was invaluable. I don’t think I would have the relationship with my ex today, if it wasn’t for Adele”


"Naked Divorce saved me years of misery! I am dating again and feel positive and excited about life."


"Naked Divorce is a godsend and I am very grateful for their support during my divorce."


“Sally really helped me navigate the emotional healing journey. Not sure I could have done it without her”


"Adele was a genius at helping us negotiate our divorce effectively and in loving partnership with each other."


Healing Journey

Recovery Journey

There are seven emotional steps to a full recovery following divorce. All Naked Divorce programs help to move you through each of these phases. 

"Our goal is to empower 100,000 people to heal from divorce and see it as a crossroads in their life vs. the crisis it is for so many people globally" - Naked Divorce Team

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