Month: November 2011

The Worry Buster – stop worry in its tracks today

Posted on November 20th, 2011

Worry is a real killer so put it in its place It eats away at you and stops sleep and all kinds of fun in your life. It causes aches, pains, stress, anxiety and all kinds of unpleasant emotions in your life. Although most of us know that worry is an unproductive emotion, it’s not […]

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The benefits of Family mediation…

Posted on November 12th, 2011 The benefits of Family mediation…

Between 32-55% of marriages end in divorce. Although this statistic is pretty dreadful, it’s a sad reality about marriages today. The actual process of separating and divorcing is relatively straightforward, and it is possible for a couple to complete the task themselves without professional help, for a small sum of money in court fees. However, […]

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The first year after a divorce – what to do??

Posted on November 3rd, 2011 The first year after a divorce – what to do??

Here are some tips to deal with some of the longer-term challenges that are certain to come your way. The first year  Buy a new calendar and diary and don’t mark old anniversaries or birthdays.  Keep working with the ETHICS and 7 Foundations of Transformation within the naked divorce 21-day program for a minimum of […]

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