Month: February 2015

Poor Me Syndrome (PMS) vs. The Art of True Self Compassion

Posted on February 27th, 2015 Poor Me Syndrome - Naked Divorce

“It’s all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are finished.” ― Debbie Macomber Things go wrong in life and when they do, it’s easy to feel like the odds are stacked against you. All of a sudden, the world is out to get […]

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Feeling Valentine’s Day Anxiety? 7 Steps to Release and Enjoy the Game Again

Posted on February 20th, 2015 Steps to Release and Enjoy the Game Again

Has Valentine’s Day last week given you that lonely, anxious feeling? Well stop it. It’s just a game, and here’s how to remember how to enjoy it. Around this time of year being lonely drives some people into total anxiety about finding the one. The thing is, finding a life partner isn’t about being all […]

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Don’t Hate the Love Month, Learn to Love It!

Posted on February 13th, 2015 Don’t Hate the Love Month, Learn to Love It!

The love month is upon us, and some people hate it because they are single. Is this you? Well, time to cheer up – here’s how anyone can learn to love the love month. The thing to remember is that a romantic relationship is not just about sex. It’s about intimacy too, in all its […]

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Does Time Heal? They Say 18 Months – I Say 21 Days!

Posted on February 9th, 2015

A survey covered in this Daily Mail article interviewed 155 people and found that breakups take 11 weeks to get over on average. The article also says it takes 18 months to get over a divorce. Actually, I’d say with no good strategy, even breakups take 18 months to heal from. It may take just […]

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