Tag: adele theron

Divorce is a unique and valuable opportunity. Will you use it?

Posted on July 16th, 2019 Divorce can stimulate personal growth

Consider that instead of biding your time to get over your divorce or waiting for ‘time to heal all wounds’, you could use the intense force of this divorce and change in your life to stimulate personal growth… Ilya Prigogine, who won a Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1977 is widely regarded as the Isaac […]

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How do I co-parent with a narcissistic ex?

Posted on March 14th, 2019 Co-parenting with narcissist

So first things first, there are several things that really, really work… So it’s important to kind of understand and do a little bit of research around narcissism so that you can kind of be clear on the strengths and weaknesses of that kind of personality. The text below is a direct transcription from the […]

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How long does it take to get over your divorce?

Posted on February 22nd, 2018 How long to get over divorce - Adele Theron - NakedDivorce

Ever wondered just how long it’s going to take to heal from your divorce? I know I did when I was going through my divorce.  I was also given this challenging and critical question live on-stage by my interviewer recently, and I wanted to share my answer here, and also go into a little more […]

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A Tale of Two Singletons: Part One – You Don’t Know What’s Good for You

Posted on March 22nd, 2016 A Tale of Two Singletons: Part One – You Don’t Know What’s Good for You

We all have that amazing friend who’s perpetually single, and we just can’t work out why.  You know the type: she’s smart, brilliant, beautiful and tons of fun. She dips her toes in the dating pool – perhaps she’s even the type who always seems to have the next date lined up. And yet, nothing […]

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Six Reasons You’re Doomed to Marry the Wrong Person

Posted on December 2nd, 2015 6 Reasons Doomed to Marry Wrong

“If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace.” Ever heard that at a friend’s wedding and secretly listed all the reasons in your head why this union is so obviously a bad idea? When half of marriages end in […]

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How to Tell if You’re an Emotional Abuser

Posted on November 18th, 2015 How to Tell if You’re an Emotional Abuser

Do you often feel let down or undermined by your partner, or that they’re deliberately trying to wind you up or push your buttons? Do you find yourself lashing out? Shouting? Swearing at them? Treating them in ways you never could have imagined you would when you first fell in love? If so, it sounds like you […]

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Life’s Too Precious to Waste Wallowing in the Past – what to do if you can’t heal from divorce

Posted on October 1st, 2015 Life’s Too Precious to Waste Wallowing in the Past – what to do if you can’t heal from divorce

How many times this week have you mentally replayed a fight that you had with your ex? I want you to answer honestly. Maybe not an actual fight – maybe you pictured what you would or should have said to them. Maybe you picture a confrontation you never had, or the killer blow you wish you’d delivered […]

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Tantrum in the News – Scream! (If you wanna be calmer)

Posted on September 30th, 2015 Tantrum in the News – Scream! (If you wanna be calmer)

See below for the latest publication about our very own, Tantrum Club! (Click to download full resolution PDF edition) tantrum spa club

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This Is What Happens When You Stop Making An Effort in your relationship…

Posted on September 23rd, 2015 This Is What Happens When You Stop Making An Effort in your relationship…

Disney has a lot to answer for when it comes to preparing kids for real life. Stories about falling in love always end with “I do” – but we all know that’s where the hard work begins.
Relationships need nurture and care. Not just in the first flush of romance. Not just when you’re falling in love. Not just on your honeymoon.

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You Are Not Your Emotions – Have negative emotions from your breakup got you trapped in a downward spiral?

Posted on September 2nd, 2015

Have negative emotions from your breakup got you trapped in a downward spiral? People tend to define themselves (and others) by their emotions. He’s an angry man. She’s such a happy child. She’s a jealous girlfriend. What a cry-baby. But your emotions aren’t your identity, or even your personality. They’re chemicals that our body releases in response to physical stimuli, thoughts […]

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