Tag: divorce tips

Are You Trapping Yourself In A Divorce Disaster?

Posted on June 1st, 2015 Are You Trapping Yourself In A Divorce Disaster?

Brutal breakups Every breakup is hard. Every breakup hurts. But there are some times when a breakup is so all-consumingly awful that it’s hard to do anything but wallow in the agony of it. A vindictive, vengeful partner can add tyranny to a situation that is already fraught. These are the people that use threats, […]

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Divorce Can Bring Out The Worst In Us. Don’t Let It Turn You Toxic!

Posted on May 15th, 2015 A Tale of Two Singletons: Part Two – Let Down Your Long Hair

To say that divorce is a nasty time is a serious understatement. Your world is crashing down around you. You’re feeling hurt and betrayed by the person you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with. You’re angry and upset. You sure as hell don’t feel like being mature and understanding right now. Trouble is, […]

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Waiting Around For Pain to Heal Won’t Work

Posted on April 30th, 2015 Waiting Around For Pain to Heal Won’t Work

One Sunday in November, I sat down in a busy coffee shop in Los Angeles. Four women were sitting alone, each quietly drinking their coffee. I observed their postures, their body language, their facial expressions… their sadness. All of a sudden one woman jumped up, wiped her eyes and dashed off. After a while, the […]

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Don’t Do It! Why You Are Not YOU In a Trauma

Posted on April 13th, 2015 Don’t Do It! Why You Are Not YOU In a Trauma

I’m still chuckling from a hilarious call with one of my Angels-in-Training. We could not stop laughing about the things we have to do to keep our groups on track on the 21-day Emotional Freedom program. Just the other day someone posted that they were ‘just settling into the garden chilling enjoying a beer’. I […]

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What is the Naked Divorce program?

Posted on April 7th, 2015 What is the Naked Divorce program?

In this video I would like to explain you a little bit more about our program. It’s a structured approach to healing from divorce, which helps you navigate through the divorce healing steps, find the source of your divorce and bring about lasting improvements to your emotional life. Hope you enjoyed it! If you have any […]

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Does Time Heal? They Say 18 Months – I Say 21 Days!

Posted on February 9th, 2015

A survey covered in this Daily Mail article interviewed 155 people and found that breakups take 11 weeks to get over on average. The article also says it takes 18 months to get over a divorce. Actually, I’d say with no good strategy, even breakups take 18 months to heal from. It may take just […]

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12 Ways to Be Powerful in 2015

Posted on January 19th, 2015 12 Ways to Be Powerful in 2015

How are your resolutions going? Instead of the usual suspects of exercise more, get out of debt, save more, drink less, eat more healthily, etc. how about committing to taking on the habits of thought and action that will make you more powerful in 2015? After all, without a foundational strength of character, what chance […]

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Don’t Eat That Cookie! Are You Healing or Avoiding?

Posted on January 5th, 2015 Don’t Eat That Cookie! Are You Healing or Avoiding?

When you were young did your mother use to say, “Don’t cry. Here, have a cookie and you’ll feel better”? And you ate the cookie, got distracted and yes, you did actually feel a bit better… for ten minutes. Then the pain came back, and it was time for another cookie. Does this sound at all familiar? […]

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7 Reasons Your Bad Divorce Etiquette is Stopping Your Recovery

Posted on December 22nd, 2014 7 Reasons Your Bad Divorce Etiquette is Stopping Your Recovery

Four days into my divorce I hadn’t eaten for three days, I’d been in my tracksuit for 36 hours straight and had chain-smoked 40 cigarettes – and I’m not even a smoker. A huge pile of laundry lay on the couch waiting to be ironed, and used tissues were everywhere. The house was in absolute […]

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20 Marriage Tips for the Men

Posted on September 1st, 2013 20 Marriage Tips for the Men

Below are 20 wise marriage tips from a man that was recently divorced. You wouldn’t normally think that a divorced man would give good advice on being a husband, but this man has been through enough hardship to know what is worth fighting for. Marriage advice I wish I would have had Obviously, I’m not […]

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