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Does Time Heal? They Say 18 Months – I Say 21 Days!

Posted on February 9th, 2015

A survey covered in this Daily Mail article interviewed 155 people and found that breakups take 11 weeks to get over on average.

The article also says it takes 18 months to get over a divorce.
Actually, I’d say with no good strategy, even breakups take 18 months to heal from. It may take just 11 weeks to get over the split, but not to fully heal and get back to your joyous, strong, positive, life-loving self again. Because:

Healing requires active engagement with the topic!

…which is why it really takes 18 months to heal without any system or engagement or strategy, or without the right support. And during that 18 month period, without the proper healing, you’re very likely to move into more unsuccessful relationships, which will end in breakup or divorce too. 56% of second marriages also end in divorce, and 72% of third marriages – the statistics don’t lie!

Time alone does not heal wounds

Many types of relationship therapy may tell you that it just takes time to heal and there’s nothing more to do about it, but it’s just not true! It makes me sad that so many people believe this nonsense and live unnecessarily with their pain or depression for months and even years.
I’ve seen time and time again that healing happens in short spurts during that time
Healing is not a linear chronological process – it happens when you focus on healing. And with good strategy, process, attention and support you can make those short spurts of healing happen quickly, over the course of a few weeks. Not months or years.

Here’s another statistic for you: 97% of divorcees who take my Naked Divorce program are successful in getting over and healing from all their trauma in 21 days.

Back on track, happy and loving life once more. Check out their personal stories here.
It’s a pity the study above didn’t ask the recipients exactly when and how they felt little bursts of improvement and how they worked to those points and through them.
When you actively embrace the healing process, and face the sometimes very difficult feelings and stages to work through, in an intelligent way, you create an environment where these flashes of improvement and healing begin to happen.
Unfortunately, there is evidence that traditional forms of therapy don’t help the recovery process at all. In fact, there are clear conflicts of interest that certainly don’t incentivize therapists to get their clients cured, healed and happy as rapidly as possible.

Clients become dependent on therapists, and therapists gain secure, long-term clients and income

Imagine if a relationship therapist had to find new clients every month because they were helping them heal so quickly. Business would become extremely tough. Far better to have a guaranteed monthly or weekly client paying for a year or more – make sure you don’t become one of these clients!
With my program, I’ve deliberately incentivized myself and my team of Divorce Coaches to help people truly, properly, deeply heal faster and more effectively. Our reputation depends on it.

I want that 97% success rate in 21 days to go up to 99%, not down to 95%.

Come and try the system, we’d be delighted to prove it to you! Or if you have any questions at all about getting over your divorce, do ask.

If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook.

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One thought on “Does Time Heal? They Say 18 Months – I Say 21 Days!

  1. Pingback: Getting Over A Breakup/divorce - Breakup Recovery System |

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