Tag: divorce

What Does Life After Divorce For Men Over 40 Look Like?

Posted on July 16th, 2022 A sad man lying in bed

Life after divorce for men looks different for every individual: some will feel liberated, others will feel abandoned and betrayed, some will feel hopeful, and then there are some men that are just a little lost and confused after the divorce. Although we’ve given out Divorce Advice for Men, some of the differences mentioned above […]

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Posted on June 1st, 2022 A woman works out finances at her computer.

Divorce isn’t easy for anyone. It’s an emotionally and psychologically draining process for all that go through it. However, women tend to have extra hurdles that they need to clear in the divorce process. Financial difficulties are one of the biggest challenges that women face when going through a divorce. At Naked Divorce, we focus […]

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Reasons You Should Hire a Divorce Coach

Posted on May 25th, 2022 A woman talking to a divorce coach with a note pad.

The emotional, financial, psychological and legal aspects of the process are enough to overwhelm even the most independently minded, strongest kind of people. Add the possible weight of children’s wellbeing, work stress and other everyday stuff and it’s not difficult to see how easy it could be to slump into defeat and despair. Many people […]

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Getting Through Divorce: Hurting, Healing, And Moving On

Posted on March 25th, 2022 A woman standing in a field with her arms in the air

Whether you had a good marriage or a bad one; regardless of if you were married for over 20 years or just a few, divorce is one of the hardest transitions that many people will have to make in their lives. Getting through divorce is no walk in the park. The fact of the matter […]

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Sick All The Time? Maybe It’s Because You’re So Angry.

Posted on July 12th, 2019

Has anyone ever warned you to stop getting so angry and bitter or you’ll make yourself sick? Far from an old wives’ tale, the negative impact that anger has on your health is thoroughly backed up by science.  When you get angry, your body starts to release two chemicals designed to help you fight a […]

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How do I co-parent with a narcissistic ex?

Posted on March 14th, 2019 Co-parenting with narcissist

So first things first, there are several things that really, really work… So it’s important to kind of understand and do a little bit of research around narcissism so that you can kind of be clear on the strengths and weaknesses of that kind of personality. The text below is a direct transcription from the […]

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Can a spiritual mindset help your children through divorce?

Posted on September 21st, 2018 Mindset for Children going through Divorce

This article is courtesy of my good friend Louis Weinstock… A highly respected transpersonal child and family psychotherapist with 17 years experience who tackles some great points in this exclusive article he has kindly produced for you and for us… In my clinical work with divorced or divorcing families, there is one thing I’ve learned for […]

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Rediscovery after a breakup

Posted on June 27th, 2018 Rediscovery after breakup - Sally Golding

Rediscovering a Sense of Self After a Breakup  Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over. ~ Guy Finley Self-identity and self-concept are largely developed through friends, family, values and simple day-to-day activities – all of which become incredibly intertwined in a long-term relationship. So when a relationship ends, the […]

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How long does it take to get over your divorce?

Posted on February 22nd, 2018 How long to get over divorce - Adele Theron - NakedDivorce

Ever wondered just how long it’s going to take to heal from your divorce? I know I did when I was going through my divorce.  I was also given this challenging and critical question live on-stage by my interviewer recently, and I wanted to share my answer here, and also go into a little more […]

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How to Behave After a Divorce

Posted on July 11th, 2017 How to Behave After a Divorce

So much of the advice we are given is well meaning but is frankly hollow and trite… Designed to minimise our emotional pain as if it’s invalid emotion, it’s not. This attempt to repress our emotions will actually increase the overall pain experienced and extend the recovery period, sometimes indefinitely. Get over it. Be strong. Look […]

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