Tag: divorce etiquette

Are You Using Your Kids As an (Emotional) Human Shield?

Posted on July 10th, 2015

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that trash-talking the “other” parent is hurtful to your kids. I don’t have to tell you that fighting and hurling insults at each in front of them will cause them distress. I probably don’t even have to tell you that kids naturally blame themselves when their parents break […]

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Things To Never, Ever Say To Someone Going Through A Divorce

Posted on June 9th, 2015 Things To Never, Ever Say To Someone Going Through A Divorce

It happens to us all At some point in our lives, most of us will go through a divorce, or at least a very painful breakup. Most of us will also experience being a shoulder to cry on when it happens to someone we love. So when someone close to you tells you they are […]

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Are You Trapping Yourself In A Divorce Disaster?

Posted on June 1st, 2015 Are You Trapping Yourself In A Divorce Disaster?

Brutal breakups Every breakup is hard. Every breakup hurts. But there are some times when a breakup is so all-consumingly awful that it’s hard to do anything but wallow in the agony of it. A vindictive, vengeful partner can add tyranny to a situation that is already fraught. These are the people that use threats, […]

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Divorce Can Bring Out The Worst In Us. Don’t Let It Turn You Toxic!

Posted on May 15th, 2015 A Tale of Two Singletons: Part Two – Let Down Your Long Hair

To say that divorce is a nasty time is a serious understatement. Your world is crashing down around you. You’re feeling hurt and betrayed by the person you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with. You’re angry and upset. You sure as hell don’t feel like being mature and understanding right now. Trouble is, […]

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7 Reasons Your Bad Divorce Etiquette is Stopping Your Recovery

Posted on December 22nd, 2014 7 Reasons Your Bad Divorce Etiquette is Stopping Your Recovery

Four days into my divorce I hadn’t eaten for three days, I’d been in my tracksuit for 36 hours straight and had chain-smoked 40 cigarettes – and I’m not even a smoker. A huge pile of laundry lay on the couch waiting to be ironed, and used tissues were everywhere. The house was in absolute […]

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Protect Your Children from the Trauma of Divorce

Posted on June 19th, 2014 Protect Your Children from the Trauma of Divorce

The fear of hurting your children’s emotions may have kept you in an unhappy marriage, but sometimes getting out is exactly what’s best for everybody. Breaking the news is never easy; however, there are ways to minimize the negatives and help guide your children through the difficult transition. Communicate with them From choosing the right […]

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The first year after a divorce – what to do??

Posted on November 3rd, 2011 The first year after a divorce – what to do??

Here are some tips to deal with some of the longer-term challenges that are certain to come your way. The first year  Buy a new calendar and diary and don’t mark old anniversaries or birthdays.  Keep working with the ETHICS and 7 Foundations of Transformation within the naked divorce 21-day program for a minimum of […]

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The Naked Divorce etiquette for handling your divorce at work if you are the boss

Posted on July 26th, 2011

If you are the boss going through a divorce, the key thing is appoint someone you trust to delegate responsibilities to. Explain to this person that you are dealing with some personal issues at home (don’t get into specifics) and that you will require some extra support in the coming weeks. When you delegate, be […]

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The Naked Divorce etiquette for handling your boss at work

Posted on July 26th, 2011

Firstly, tell your boss what you’re dealing with. Do this in a brief and matter-of-fact way. Ask for a few days off. Deal with any urgent matters that won’t wait until your return to office. If you think you might get overly emotional, write a formal email or letter. THEN… Communicate very clearly with your […]

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