Category: * Divorce for men

Are There Five or Seven Stages of Grief?

Posted on September 15th, 2020

In her book “On Death and Dying”, Elizabeth Kübler-Ross identifies five stages within the grief cycle. Her multidisciplinary studies and findings have been used extensively throughout the world to describe the several stages of grief that people experience after losing a loved one or a life-changing event, such as a break-up or divorce. Her findings […]

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What You Didn’t Know About the Seven Stages of Grief

Posted on August 15th, 2020

Grieving is a natural reaction; it’s the way that we process the loss of something or someone important to us. The most common grief we experience is when we have lost a loved one; this could be through death or a breakup/divorce. It’s how we process an exceptional and devastating change in our lives and […]

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Therapy vs. Naked Divorce: What’s the Difference?

Posted on July 27th, 2020 H shares how Naked Divorce has helped her with the bulk of her healing

There is a lot of trauma that comes with a breakup or divorce and while some may ignore it and simply sweep it under the carpet (not a good idea at all), others may seek the services of a mental health professional, a therapist online, or invest in programs like Naked Divorce. Believe it or […]

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How do I co-parent with a narcissistic ex?

Posted on March 14th, 2019 Co-parenting with narcissist

So first things first, there are several things that really, really work… So it’s important to kind of understand and do a little bit of research around narcissism so that you can kind of be clear on the strengths and weaknesses of that kind of personality. The text below is a direct transcription from the […]

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Rediscovery after a breakup

Posted on June 27th, 2018 Rediscovery after breakup - Sally Golding

Rediscovering a Sense of Self After a Breakup  Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over. ~ Guy Finley Self-identity and self-concept are largely developed through friends, family, values and simple day-to-day activities – all of which become incredibly intertwined in a long-term relationship. So when a relationship ends, the […]

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Expat divorce support

Posted on April 18th, 2018 Expat Divorce Support - Naked Divorce - Adele Theron

How to get the help you need after your breakup Sometimes it takes a breakup to make you realise how strong your friendships really are – especially if you’re far from home. A few weeks ago, I got a call from a friend I hadn’t spoken to in a while – let’s call her Emma. […]

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Your online divorced test is here :)

Posted on March 26th, 2018 Divorced personality online test quiz

Find out which divorce personality you are by taking this test! This online test only takes a few minutes to complete, the results are immediate, and it’s Free! So what have you to lose? Find out more about the test here… There are actually 5 different Divorce personality types, by taking this test you will […]

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How long does it take to get over your divorce?

Posted on February 22nd, 2018 How long to get over divorce - Adele Theron - NakedDivorce

Ever wondered just how long it’s going to take to heal from your divorce? I know I did when I was going through my divorce.  I was also given this challenging and critical question live on-stage by my interviewer recently, and I wanted to share my answer here, and also go into a little more […]

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The big secret to getting over divorce fast

Posted on January 11th, 2018

Ever notice how when you focus on something with intention, intensity and full concentration it gets done quicker? This is why classroom trainings over a few days are more effective than distance learning over six months. When you take your time, sometimes you focus on the subject and sometimes you don’t, so ultimately getting the […]

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How to Behave After a Divorce

Posted on July 11th, 2017 How to Behave After a Divorce

So much of the advice we are given is well meaning but is frankly hollow and trite… Designed to minimise our emotional pain as if it’s invalid emotion, it’s not. This attempt to repress our emotions will actually increase the overall pain experienced and extend the recovery period, sometimes indefinitely. Get over it. Be strong. Look […]

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