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The Rebound Relationship…

Posted on June 7th, 2011 The Rebound Relationship

Rebound: To do, or not to do? I’ve known people who have started dating almost immediately after divorce… Others may enjoy what are known as ‘transitional sex partners’. These are usually people who become good friends and bed partners during the intervening period between divorce and falling in love again. The important thing is to be […]

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Avoid S.T.E.A.T.s during your divorce

Posted on April 10th, 2011

The way you handle the aftermath of divorce is very important, as this story illustrates. Imagine a child comes home from preschool with her feelings hurt by an interaction with a teacher. Mom asks: ‘What happened?’ The child responds tearfully that the teacher was mean to her. Mom says: ‘Don’t cry. Here, have a cookie, […]

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Saying goodbye powerfully to your ex…

Posted on March 7th, 2011

What happened in my marriage? It is always sad to say goodbye to someone you have shared your life with intimately. Allow your heart to remain open to say goodbye powerfully with grace and power. There is no need to allow bitterness to overcome you. My ex and I said goodbye in a great way. […]

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How to behave at work whilst going through a divorce

Posted on March 3rd, 2011 NakedDivorce Blog Behave-at-work AdeleTheron

You have to remain focused on work during divorce to continue performing. Falling apart is simply not an option. The office is no place to give vent to your repressed feelings, but if that’s where you find yourself when a rage attack threatens, there’s an exercise at the end of this chapter that will help […]

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So, does time actually heal all wounds?

Posted on February 10th, 2011

Today I want to talk about this idea that time heals wounds. I think we can all agree that divorce causes huge chaos. It’s the end of something that was born of love, cemented at a ceremony and carried the combined hopes and dreams of those who shared your relationship and rooted for you. Those […]

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Warning Signs that you are losing control during your divorce…

Posted on January 3rd, 2011

There are some important considerations to keep in mind when dealing with a life-altering change that is divorce. One of the big confidence boosts after divorce is an invincible feeling that you have survived change. However, it’s very important to watch what you are changing and at what pace you are making those changes. Case […]

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The Divorce Grieving Cycle…

Posted on December 23rd, 2010

I know when you are going through a divorce that the roller-coaster ride can ‘feel’ very extreme. It alternates between activity and passivity in the very human and desperate efforts to avoid the change triggered by the divorce. The initial state before the cycle begins is often quite stable, at least in terms of the […]

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Are you out of touch with your emotions??

Posted on December 20th, 2010

I notice with many of my clients that they are out of touch with their emotions – almost like the divorce has NUMBED them… To remedy this, BUY A JOURNAL – CALL IT SOMETHING SPECIAL REPRESENTING THE NEW YOU – the you who has healed from the betrayal and who feels positive and amazing about her life… With […]

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Try these Simple Reframes on your Ex-relationship…

Posted on December 13th, 2010 Try these Simple Reframes on your Ex-relationship…

Reframing is a technique used in therapy to help create a different way of looking at a situation, person, or relationship by changing its meaning. It’s also referred to as cognitive reframing which is a strategy coaches often use to help clients look at situations from a slightly different perspective. The essential idea behind reframing […]

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Postcards from the Edge…

Posted on December 13th, 2010 Postcards from the Edge…

I recently received a letter from someone who went through a very bitter and twisted divorce. She says she’s ‘over’ it and although she never talks to her ex is in a great relationship now with someone who hates his ex too. Her question was about her concerns about whenever her ex talks about his […]

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