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The Worry Buster – stop worry in its tracks today

Posted on November 20th, 2011

Worry is a real killer so put it in its place

It eats away at you and stops sleep and all kinds of fun in your life. It causes aches, pains, stress, anxiety and all kinds of unpleasant emotions in your life.
Although most of us know that worry is an unproductive emotion, it’s not always clear what you can do in the moment to change it and make it go away.
Worry is a real gnawing kind of feeling – a complete and utter focus on what you don’t want to have happen. It causes stomach upsets and chest pains.

Lesson the grip of worry around your neck and your life

Here is the technique I use to put my worry in its place. If you are a prize-winning worrier, too, then let me tell you it’s something you will always need to manage. But the better you get at managing it when it arises, the less worry you’ll experience over time. You can train your mind to stop seeing worrying as a viable option.

Go and get our free download on Calming Anxiety.

.This NLP-based technique may seem like a game at first but let me assure you: visual imagination has a very powerful effect on feelings.

If you enjoyed this idea, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook.

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One thought on “The Worry Buster – stop worry in its tracks today

  1. Thank you for this article! It is very powerful.
    Similar advice was given to me by my counselor and it does work.
    We can make our minds change direction if we are dedicated to the change!
    It is really important to think positive.

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