Tag: divorce pain

How To Cope With Rejection Without Getting Crushed during your divorce

Posted on August 12th, 2015 How To Cope With Rejection Without Getting Crushed during your divorce

It’s over No matter how secure and confident you thought you were, hearing the person you love(d) say that they no longer want to be with you is a shattering experience. Even if you feel the same way, rejection is still hard to bear. Another person has just told you that they’d prefer not to be […]

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You Are Stronger Than You Think!

Posted on September 18th, 2012 You Are Stronger Than You Think!

Strength in struggle As illustrated, finding your strength and realising your attributes are found through the struggles and pain in life, not when things are easy and you feel you’re at your strongest. It is through the weak moments that you learn and become stronger because of those circumstances. A bag of tea may look exactly the […]

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Instant Gratification vs. Long Term Strategy: What’s Best?

Posted on July 27th, 2012

Instant versus incremental Instant rewards and instant healing has a much nicer ring to it than the two combined words of long term. However, if waiting for a particular amount of time will help you further along in the long run, it stirs the question of whether waiting is more worthwhile. But how do you determine what works best […]

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“I’M NOT READY YET” The Price for Suffering

Posted on June 22nd, 2012

I’m not ready” A very common phrase we ALL use. A case of: Not being prepared for what one is about to do or experience; Not equipped or supplied with what is needed for some act or event, Not prepared for immediate movement or action. What can be debated is; whether being “Ready” is a […]

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Avoid S.T.E.A.T.s during your divorce

Posted on April 10th, 2011

The way you handle the aftermath of divorce is very important, as this story illustrates. Imagine a child comes home from preschool with her feelings hurt by an interaction with a teacher. Mom asks: ‘What happened?’ The child responds tearfully that the teacher was mean to her. Mom says: ‘Don’t cry. Here, have a cookie, […]

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Why are People so weird with me when I talk about Divorce Pain?

Posted on January 12th, 2010 The Pain of Divorce

I just got home from a night at the movies with my friend (who will remain nameless). I felt awful. The deflated feeling was what I could imagine an insect feels after being squashed and scraped across a pavement. I had just retold my divorce story to her (ok, it was the second time) but […]

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