Free e-book: The First 8 Steps to healing from divorce

Protect your staff going through Divorce

Posted on April 19th, 2012
HRM Guide - Adele Theron

As an HR professional, there are so many ups and downs to your job…

Caught up in legal protocols, tons of administration and implementing corporate policies, it’s hard to make time for someone when they need help – rather like a soldier asking his colonel for a paperclip whilst on an enemy line!
But, if you remember why you got into HR in the first place, somewhere in there was your desire to help others and be the person they could come to whilst experiencing a crisis – be it personnel or professional. Often at times being caught up in all the distractions of HR, many people don’t make the time to create a crisis or advice centre for struggling employees and this is SO needed within the workplace.
What the Divorced Person May Need to Deal With at the Workplace…

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HRM Guide – Human Resource Management

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