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How Lack of Concentration Kills our Ability to Focus

Posted on October 4th, 2012
How Lack of Concentration Kills our Ability to Focus

How do you stay focused in an era of multiple distractions?

We are living in an era of an information overload. There are vast varieties of technology everywhere we look, so much that it has become essential to one’s survival — or so it sometimes seems. An average employee receives thousands of interruptions every day, from instant messages and texts, e-mails and internet calls to the good old regular telephone ringing.

Focus is hard to find

Focus is becoming harder to attain and attention spans are shrinking. Technology today can kill our ability to focus on one specific thing at a time. The internet is full of different opinions and different ways to do things — there is always breaking news and a wide variety of subjects that can keep us preoccupied and distracted for hours upon end.
We have taught ourselves to multitask — which in other words could be considered scattering the brain’s attention. Having time to center the mind on one single subject and give it our full concentration and attention is increasingly in short supply.

Our brains are getting worn down by everyday life, and when it comes to an emotional crisis like breakups and divorce it’s not a shell shocker that it’s incredibly difficult to focus on our healing.

Start on the path to healing

As I have mentioned before, healing will not come to you if you don’t take the time to focus on it. If you are not fully focused on it with a definite purpose you are not going to get very far.

Fix your focus

Healing takes commitment and initiative. Get your perspective intact and make a way to focus on what is really important — you. The era we are in and the busy schedules we juggle don’t make it easy, but there are ways to regain our focus that doesn’t need to be rocket science.
Make a conscious and constant decision to put yourself in the right frame of mind. Commit to rejecting distractions.

Sure, you may not have time to take a holiday and spend 7 days in the south of France relaxing on a yacht, but you can take a break from your busy schedule by switching your phone and wireless off for an hour, closing your door and just enjoy focusing on one thing.

If you don’t have time, make time

Make time for yourself or you will lose yourself. Today’s society isn’t slowing down. Every day there are  new things, new challenges, faster moving procedures and it’s not all going to stop at any moment.
Nurture high quality focus time. You need those times to allow yourself to heal. Do we all want to heal? Yes. No one wants to be broken and in emotional turmoil. The only way to get out is take some time out, maintain your perspective, and put your foot down for yourself and focus on your healing.

Here are some great additional tips to improve concentration: 

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