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Pride magazine: The spy who loves me

Posted on April 27th, 2012

Paranoid about what their partners get up to, a recent survey revealed that 20% of women have turned Mata Hari in order to test their other half’s fidelity. Can snooping ever form the basis of a healthy relationship?

Adele Theron, author of the Naked Divorce
Obsessing over your partner’s whereabouts may be reflective of a woman’sself-esteem and past experiences. Do you snoop on everyone? Are you generally insecure? If so, examine the root cause. Perhaps one of your parents was a serial cheat, you’ve been cheated on or your childhood has convinced you people are deceitful. Being naturally suspicious is one thing but there is also rarely smoke without fire. Women tend to ignore their instincts. My husband cheated on me 18 times during our seven-year relationship. I would confront him, he would lie and I’d think I was crazy and paranoid. If you feel his behaviour changing-my partner started to kiss and hold me differently-this may just underline the fact that something isn’t right.”

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