Tag: Trauma

Domestic Violence and the LGBTQ+ Community

Posted on August 15th, 2021 A man in a suit screaming with a black background

Much of domestic violence awareness is centered around heterosexual relationships, and despite this growing movement, the LGBTQ+ community has been largely left out over the years. However, recent research shows that members of the LGBTQ+ community are often victims of domestic abuse and violence at equal rates compared to heterosexual couples. Navigating domestic violence in […]

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How to Behave After a Divorce

Posted on July 11th, 2017 How to Behave After a Divorce

So much of the advice we are given is well meaning but is frankly hollow and trite… Designed to minimise our emotional pain as if it’s invalid emotion, it’s not. This attempt to repress our emotions will actually increase the overall pain experienced and extend the recovery period, sometimes indefinitely. Get over it. Be strong. Look […]

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Is divorce easier for Men or Women?

Posted on June 14th, 2017 Divorce – easier for Men or Women?

We hear a lot about the damage divorce does to women, much less about the damage that divorce does to men. So do women really feel the damage of a divorce more than their male counterparts? Historically, women earned less than male partners and took a far greater role in raising children, meaning that a […]

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Valentines Day Downer?

Posted on February 10th, 2017 NakedDivorce Adele Theron blog broken

Is Valentine’s getting you down? Well stop it. It’s just a game, and here’s how to remember how to enjoy it. Around this time of year being lonely drives some people into total anxiety about finding the one. The thing is, finding a life partner isn’t about being all anxious and desperate. It’s about being […]

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The perfect relationship

Posted on September 26th, 2016 The perfect relationship

Brad, Angelina and the Death of the “Perfect” Relationship Ever been told “Oh my god, you guys are just SO GOOD together?” even as the doubts are starting to set in? Or had friends roll their eyes when you mention issues that are starting to bother you because hey, your relationship is great – what […]

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Time heals. Really?

Posted on September 11th, 2016

Do people keep telling you to give yourself time to heal? That you just need to put some distance between yourself and your trauma? Simply wait for long enough and you’ll feel much better, get over it, and move on. Well… tell them to get stuffed. Time is not a healer Time doesn’t do anything, […]

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Later life divorce…

Posted on September 4th, 2016 Later life divorce…

Congratulations! You made it all the way through to retirement together. You survived all those early fights, the nappy duties, the teenager tantrums, the little jealousies and resentments, the financial strains, the never-ending couple conflicts, and now… Now you’ve decided enough is enough. You don’t want to grow old together, after all. You’re getting divorced. […]

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