Tag: struggling to heal from divorce

Cling On – or let go? Pt3

Posted on September 29th, 2016 Cling On – or let go? Pt3

Okay, we’ve now talked about how your relationship dynamic affects your basic needs to feel safe and secure Part One and your psychological need to feel loved and valued Part Two. But what about the top of the pyramid: self-fulfilment? Self-fulfilment In the grand scheme of things, at least for people from most walks of life, […]

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Life’s Too Precious to Waste Wallowing in the Past – what to do if you can’t heal from divorce

Posted on October 1st, 2015 Life’s Too Precious to Waste Wallowing in the Past – what to do if you can’t heal from divorce

How many times this week have you mentally replayed a fight that you had with your ex? I want you to answer honestly. Maybe not an actual fight – maybe you pictured what you would or should have said to them. Maybe you picture a confrontation you never had, or the killer blow you wish you’d delivered […]

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