Tag: new years resolutions

New Year, New You: Don’t Be Like Bacon-Loving Man. Create a Healing Goal to Move On!

Posted on December 30th, 2013

So you ate your body weight in mince pies, turkey, chocolates and drank enough mulled wine to pickle yourself. Now what? Now it’s time to dust yourself off and begin to think about 2014 and the NEW YOU you want to bring into being. It’s an opportunity to become clean, fresh, new and shiny bright. It’s […]

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Divorce New Years Resolutions Busted Already? Try This

Posted on January 17th, 2013 Divorce New Years Resolutions Busted Already? Try This

How are your new year’s resolutions going? We are 3 weeks in and by now 56% would have given up on the goals they set for themselves. Sad statistics indeed! What separates the ones who achieve their goals from those who resign and quit? This year has started completely differently for me to other years. I […]

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