Tag: how to help your kids handle divorce

Give Yourself And Your Kids A Break: You Can’t Be Happy All The Time

Posted on August 6th, 2015 Give Yourself And Your Kids A Break: You Can’t Be Happy All The Time

The social media showcase When you picked up your phone this morning, what was the first thing you did? Did you have a quick skim through Facebook or Instagram? Take a sneaky peak at who “liked” that photo of you out having fun? Did you feel your mood sagging slightly if no one noticed – or get […]

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How to help your children through divorce…

Posted on April 16th, 2012 How to help your children through divorce...

Learn some great tips on helping your children through divorce including… Getting yourself together Not using your child as a weapon Not using your children as a way of dealing with or processing your own emotions Letters to write to children For an interview with a parenting expert If you enjoyed this post, I’d be […]

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