Tag: how to handle divorce

How to Behave After a Divorce

Posted on July 11th, 2017 How to Behave After a Divorce

So much of the advice we are given is well meaning but is frankly hollow and trite… Designed to minimise our emotional pain as if it’s invalid emotion, it’s not. This attempt to repress our emotions will actually increase the overall pain experienced and extend the recovery period, sometimes indefinitely. Get over it. Be strong. Look […]

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Handling the Aftermath of Divorce – a 2 hour radio interview

Posted on January 22nd, 2012

On Thursday 19th January, myself, divorce solicitor Kate Smith and Child specialist Stacey Hart, who runs workshops for kids going through impact of divorce had a 2 hour radio interview on ON FM’s Dream Corner show (101.4 FM) with Viv Oyolu. To listen to the show and find out times, go to www.dreamcorner.co.uk. Listen here: […]

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