Tag: feeling upset at work

Don’t Eat That Cookie! Are You Healing or Avoiding?

Posted on January 5th, 2015 Don’t Eat That Cookie! Are You Healing or Avoiding?

When you were young did your mother use to say, “Don’t cry. Here, have a cookie and you’ll feel better”? And you ate the cookie, got distracted and yes, you did actually feel a bit better… for ten minutes. Then the pain came back, and it was time for another cookie. Does this sound at all familiar? […]

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Go on, give yourself permission to climb into a Porg-hole!

Posted on August 12th, 2011

When I was little, I had a bull terrier named Porgie. I loved her so much so, that I would greet her on all fours, hide her in my bed so she wouldnt be cold and even come home and climb into her dog basket with her. She was an absolutely mental dog and I […]

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The Naked Divorce etiquette for handling your divorce at work if you are the boss

Posted on July 26th, 2011

If you are the boss going through a divorce, the key thing is appoint someone you trust to delegate responsibilities to. Explain to this person that you are dealing with some personal issues at home (don’t get into specifics) and that you will require some extra support in the coming weeks. When you delegate, be […]

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The Naked Divorce etiquette for handling your boss at work

Posted on July 26th, 2011

Firstly, tell your boss what you’re dealing with. Do this in a brief and matter-of-fact way. Ask for a few days off. Deal with any urgent matters that won’t wait until your return to office. If you think you might get overly emotional, write a formal email or letter. THEN… Communicate very clearly with your […]

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The Naked Divorce etiquette for dealing with your divorce at work

Posted on July 20th, 2011

Some people find they need a routine to carry them through a crisis. But the general rule of thumb when facing divorce is that you should take leave from work to gather yourself and even 3 or 4 days will do. Not only will you need this time to be alone to think, but you’ll […]

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