Tag: end of a relationship

Is divorce too hard? Marriage too easy?

Posted on April 9th, 2019 Divorce laws change - uk

Divorce shouldn’t be a drama, there I’ve said it… Whilst divorce is often a highly emotional time, and there are definitely significant hurdles to overcome (finances, children, accommodation, property, asset-division, emotional well-being, and more), the drama of divorce is in-my-opinion significantly increased due to the nature of the divorce law itself. Divorce is legally difficult There’s […]

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Find out how hung up you are

Posted on June 12th, 2011 Naked Divorce How Messed up are you

Discover the stages of Break Up and Divorce Recovery in this Quiz Just because the relationship is over doesn’t mean it’s over emotionally for either partner. No matter if the break up or divorce had been  brewing for a while or came on suddenly, without emotional closure it’s impossible to move on. There could be […]

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