Tag: divorce anger

Sick All The Time? Maybe It’s Because You’re So Angry.

Posted on July 12th, 2019

Has anyone ever warned you to stop getting so angry and bitter or you’ll make yourself sick? Far from an old wives’ tale, the negative impact that anger has on your health is thoroughly backed up by science.  When you get angry, your body starts to release two chemicals designed to help you fight a […]

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Anger: How to Tame Our Temper

Posted on March 12th, 2014 Anger: How to Tame Our Temper

We have all been there: the rising tension, the increase in heart rate, the feeling that we could explode – yes, we have all been angry. We have also probably been told that controlling our anger is ‘good’. And yet, more and more, people are recognizing that they are angry too often and that their […]

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