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Valentine’s Day Blues: Top tips for getting over your ex

Posted on February 12th, 2012

Valentine’s Day is nearly here but what if you are divorced or if you’ve recently split up with your partner- it isn’t always about love and romance. ‘Divorce Coach’ and Coach Adele Theron explains why some people find it so difficult to move on and how you can leave your bad relationship where it belongs, […]

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Female First – Valentines day blues

Posted on February 10th, 2012 Read More

naked divorce appears in French Closer magazine

Posted on February 4th, 2012 Read More

Naked Divorce For Women Review

Posted on January 28th, 2012 Naked Divorce For Women Review

First “Naked Divorce For Women” book review from a journalist Kelly Rose Bradford “This week, Adele Theron’s Naked Divorce For Women arrived on my desk, and I delved in, despite not being divorced (or indeed, naked). It describes itself as a 21-day program for your new life – and yes, it does seem very American […]

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Adele Theron, One of the Experts at Better Than Ever After Divorce Summit, Launches her Book, “The Naked Divorce”

Posted on January 26th, 2012

An expert at the Better Than Ever After Divorce Telesummit, Adele Theron is the author of a new book, “The Naked Divorce” which is being launched on February 2012 at Waterstones book store in Piccadilly, London, England. “The speaker that resonated with me the most and had the greatest lessons was from Adele Theron on […]

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