Tag: breaking ties with your ex

Stop Fixating On Your Ex and Focus On Yourself!

Posted on December 1st, 2014 Stop fixating on your ex - Focus

Let me tell you a bit about one of my clients, I’ll call her Molly… Molly came to see me towards the end of 2009. She’d been divorced for six years and in all that time hadn’t stopped obsessing about what her ex-husband was up to. In the beginning, she would talk about only one […]

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The Vow Break – Breaking the ties with your ex powerfully

Posted on August 11th, 2010 Naked Divorce Vow Break

When two people get married, there is a beautiful ceremony and celebration with all your friends, family and community involved. Everyone is willing you on to succeed. Sadly, when two people get divorced, it’s akin to seeing tumbleweed rolling across an empty road whilst crickets sing gently in the background. There is literally nothing out […]

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