Tag: Avoiding unhealthy relationships

Is divorce too hard? Marriage too easy?

Posted on April 9th, 2019 Divorce laws change - uk

Divorce shouldn’t be a drama, there I’ve said it… Whilst divorce is often a highly emotional time, and there are definitely significant hurdles to overcome (finances, children, accommodation, property, asset-division, emotional well-being, and more), the drama of divorce is in-my-opinion significantly increased due to the nature of the divorce law itself. Divorce is legally difficult There’s […]

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3 ways you’re dooming a relationship before it begins

Posted on April 19th, 2016 3 ways you're dooming a relationship before it begins

Have you been single since what seems like forever – and miserable about it? If so, you may be falling into one of these common self-defeating traps. 1) You raise the wrong bars too high I’m not suggesting you settle for something or someone that just isn’t right for you. I’ve talked before at length […]

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Trying to Score Against Your Ex vs Focusing on Winning the Overall Game

Posted on August 30th, 2012

Chess is a game of strategy and tactics. It’s a game in which you take out your opponents pieces until you capture them all and then attack their king. This is in no way what break ups or divorce should ever be about; yet sadly enough it is the reality of so many couples today. […]

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