“Happily recommend to anyone!”

Vidya explains how she was over the moon with the results she got by using the 21 day programme with Naked Divorce

I started the programme with a fair amount of issues that included: Heightened emotions, Anxiety, Depression, Single parent of teenagers, Ghosted by my ex and silent treatment, Confusion, Worry and Isolation. Before the Naked Divorce I sought out regular CBT therapy. They were never able to provide the help I needed which included, limited emotional work, non existent family support and tended to be judgmental at times. However, the coaching provided by the team at Naked Divorce helped me develop focus on regular daily routine, nutrition and calmed down my heightened emotions. The Naked Divorce gets what you are dealing with and it gets you to a place where the future is once again in sight. Overall, I found myself very satisfied with the programme and would happily recommend to anyone!

Vidya explains how she was over the moon with the results she got by using the 21 day programme with Naked Divorce
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