Thank you to Salli Andrews and Adele Theron for your brilliance. This is an absolutely fantastic program and I am grateful that I found it and you. Over the years I sought counseling for marriage and childhood issues off and on through the years however nothing really seemed to make a big difference. It wasn’t until this program, where actual trauma was examined and addressed that I began to see the difference and the results. This program has changed my life. The structure and thought that went into each lesson along with the counseling support from Salli, my Divorce Angel, was perfectly planned out. There were times I wondered, how is this going to work or will this work but it always did, and because of that, on the days that I thought, I don’t want to do this, I pushed through because I wanted to continue to see positive results. I was not sure what the outcome of this program would be as I was on the fence about whether to stay or divorce my husband. The Emotional Freedom Program is just what I needed- to work on me. So much of this work is on you as an individual and your own hurt and trauma but what comes out of the work is healing, growth, love and care for yourself, and then coming out on the other side lighter, brighter, and feeling like the person you always were but was hidden down deep. This program and these amazing people bring this out in you and you cannot ask for anything better than to help yourself. Additionally, the cost for me was an initial barrier but I knew this was my last hope in my marriage and I wanted to put everything into making the right decision so if money is the deciding factor, please, for anyone reading this, don’t let it be. This will be the best investment you have ever made. But you have to do the work and dig deep, that is how you will get results. Last, I want to give a big thank you to Salli Andrews for being a fantastic coach and trauma counselor. Her guidance and coaching helped me to see myself, my childhood trauma (which was linked to so much of the here and now), and solidified what I was learning and working on in my lessons. She listens, knows what to focus on for my benefit, is very knowledgeable, has a pleasant presence, is professional, and really cares. I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her. This program and Salli’s coaching are truly the best gifts I have ever received so, THANK YOU!
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