“I am transformed, such a blessing!”

Farren shares how Naked Divorce brought her out from her state of depression and back into her old positive self

After my divorce, I was in a state of despair. Everything was affected by my depression. My kids were suffering, my business was faltering, my family and friends were deeply concerned about me and I couldn’t even imagine feeling better. I tried everything- a support group, counseling and even medication. Nothing helped. Right when I hit rock bottom, I ran across the Naked Divorce program. I was very skeptical, but was willing to try anything. I finished the course and I am a new woman. I was lucky enough to work directly with Adele and she was amazing.
The structure of the course gave direction to my life so I could begin putting myself back together. My Divorce Coach was there to walk me (often dragging me kicking and screaming) through the fire and see me safely through the other side. The exercises really work in ways that are shocking and I was amazed at some of the insights and breakthrough I had during the program. I am transformed and now see my divorce as a blessing.
I promise that if you put your heart into this program, you will come out whole and healed from your divorce.

Farren shares how Naked Divorce brought her out from her state of depression and back into her old positive self
Farren, Attorney
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