Healing and Strength Renewed

Hi Adele,
We haven’t met, but boy do I feel like we have. I just completed the naked divorce program and my divorce angel was Salli – a gift in itself.

There’s so much I want to say.

Before entering into the Naked Divorce, I was in extreme emotional pain. I had been legally divorced for two years yet the trauma of my divorce was showing up everywhere. I was divorced yet I wasn’t. I still had a vision of my ex making the changes I needed him to make so our family could be together. The vision was real and it was also delusional.

Truth be told, I was actually very close to getting back with my ex when Salli and I first spoke.

It was about two minutes into our call that tears flooded down my face, and I told her that I was scared.

My body was scared. Despite my body screaming at me to run the other way, I was so attached to my desired outcome for my family of four that I was willing to sacrifice passion, stability, and my own mental health in order to appease him.

I was so resistant to have the call with Salli. I had invested in a “wellness” program that was 25K and it fell short in so many ways. So when my friend recommended this program, I was skeptical.

I had invested heavily in modalities that just did not help me. I continued to feel immense pain, depression and daily anxiety.

Salli is truly an angel. I knew within ten minutes of our conversation that I was going to invest… because of her.

I was in.

You could say I was desperate for something to work for me… that would be a fair statement.

I was so tired of the crying.

I was exhausted by the toxic patterns that I was initiating.

I was in such emotional overwhelm that my body was shutting down.

I went “all in” during this program.

I respected the structure of the program and the daily check list and routine. I thrive in this environment.

And when I feel out of control (the last few years), I need structure like a baby needs milk.

Adele, your program was effective, real, approachable and transformative.

I started to evolve and morph through the program and I became clear on a few things working with Salli that I never ever knew working in the realms of traditional talk therapy

  • Hello codependency
  • Oh you mean my ex is a Narcissist?!
  • You mean my responses to life are due to my trauma?
  • Wait, I can actually heal my trauma and move on from this shit show?
  • Grieving is inevitable but trauma is preventable (here is where my mind exploded)

Salli supported my journey within the program with shit that literally saved me…

  • Codependent No More book
  • The Wisdom of Trauma (this lit my new business adventure on fire)
  • The Courage to be disliked (brilliant)
  • Breath work (oh my anxiety thanks her daily now)

Adele – I work in sales + marketing. There is no way for me to lean into a program without also analyzing it from a marketing/copy standpoint.

I just can’t completely separate my healing with my gifts in this realm.

You absolutely restored my faith in an evergreen program.

Yes Salli was a significant piece of my healing journey- yet the program itself is
worthy of a huge applause. And here I sit today (single!!!) in complete gratitude for your courage to tell your story and to create a program that allows a woman like me to heal from the emotional trauma of divorce.

Here is where I applaud you. I applaud your team.

I think the world of Salli and will tell everyone I know about her and every divorcee about this program.

I would have paid more for this program… but now that I have been through it… I can’t even wrap my brain around the price point. So much value.

Now I have emotionally finally separated from my ex and am getting much stronger at setting boundaries and keeping them.

For the first time in 20 years, I am medication free. For 1.5 months now I have been completely off medications I was prescribed when I was in my early 20s because I was showing signs of bi-polar tendencies… but really I was just suffering from trauma.

I have started a new business that allows my expertise in sale and marketing to impact the world and allow them to connect with the healers of the world. Like you. Like Salli.

Thank you. Truly, thank you.

Forever grateful for your gifts and your courage to tell YOUR personal story.

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