“Fabulous! Very well done!”

Annie shares her long awaited success story with Naked Divorce

I was battling with my lack of self-worth and was relying on an apology from my ex to fix this problem. I had a great deal of built up anger and blame directed at my ex. I was not able to take any responsibility, and held up only very weak boundaries that I allowed to be continually crossed. I felt powerless. Before the Naked Divorce I seeked support from both Lawyers And counsellors. What was missing was a positive road forwards and a mandate to take responsibility and stop the blame game. Plus everything else ND gives you. They lived in your drama and sob stories. There was no structure to move you through the process. But at the time I didn’t know that I needed one. I was already a few years into my divorce. I back stepped and did a number of things I should have done a long time ago. Cleaning out the place etc. As I learned a few of the tools I was given a glimmer of hope that life could be amazing again. I was not the best of students!!!! It took me a year and a half to complete the 21 days. But I continued with Sally each week to check in. She was my saviour. I liked the fact that Sally was not pushy with me to finish the course but every now and then gave me a gentle nudge in the right direction to get another few days completed. With children, I struggled finding the quiet space to have my big days to cry and bush things. But, not sure what could have been done about that! I really liked the course. Fabulous! Very well done! I was very satisfied with the entire experience and would definitely recommend this programme to anyone I know who is going through divorce or a breakup. The coaching support I received was such a life saver! Was doing some research for my business and came across a seminar running in South Africa of all places. It really caught my eye as a friend had told me about your business years ago. I think in the back of my mind, I new I wasn’t digging myself out of the hole I was in by continuing to go to counsellors that loved my drama. After 3-years attending a pity party alongside anger and blame directed at my ex, wasting my energy on negative mindsets, and having spent thousands on lawyers and counsellors that loved the “drama” of my situation, starting the Naked Divorce programme was like finding wings to fly. The programme, and my gorgeous Divorce Coach, Sally, gave me a structured approach for breaking down, breaking through, and re-building my life. When I start this course, it became very clear why I’d been stuck for the past 3-years. I lacked the tools to assess myself and my life as I knew it, and I had no process to help move me forward to create a life I loved. With Adele’s tools, positive steps and constructive support from both Adele and Sally – I felt safe, supported and inspired to discover the ‘real’ me, to breakdown and heal, and move beyond to an awesome life. I wouldn’t say that I was the top of the class (awkward!) it did take me 16-months to complete the 21-days. But, better late than never. I’m proud to say that I recently completed Day 21 – the experience was truly invaluable. Throughout the 16-months, I chipped away on a day here, a day there between starting a business and tending to my children. My one saving grace, however, was speaking with my Divorce Coach, Sally, once a week to download, unwrap, discuss, strategise and work through any issues that had come up for me. Sally listened with respect, spoke with empathy and honesty, and was able to help me create a structured approach to issues, and redirect my energy to working on the positive end-game. Looking back at my notes from Day 1, I hardly recognise the person that started the Naked Divorce programme. It’s been an amazing journey comprising massive personal growth, improved self-confidence and self-worth, and has reignited my passion for living an authentic and truly empowered life. The takeaway – absolutely priceless. My goals for the future are now goals of service and gratitude.

Annie shares her long awaited success story with Naked Divorce
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