Breaking Free with Emotional Freedom Program

I finished the Emotional Freedom Program a month ago, and I can definitely say I would not be where I am today without the support of the program and my divorce angel, Sally Golding.

My ex-husband called it quits in December 2022 and fast forward 4 months… I CANNOT believe how my life has changed. When we split, I was a mess. I couldn’t eat, I struggled to sleep, I was a zombie. I started therapy, but knew I needed some more support. I hit the Google machine, and Naked Divorce appeared first. Sally contacted me and I clearly remember how warm and genuine she was. I felt like she just understood. I was not going to let this divorce get the best of me!

The Naked Divorce program has changed my life. It made me focus all my efforts on my healing journey. It taught me about myself, it supported my therapy journey (I wouldn’t have made so much progress in therapy without the program), it taught me wonderful habits, and helped me dream again. Sally pushed me (gently) to finish the course ahead of a 4-week overseas trip I did in April 2023, and I’m so glad she did. It made all the difference. And I had the best trip to Colombia and the UK. I felt free and happy!

I loved the course so much that I’m continuing my healing journey with Sally. I start a new program tomorrow! Sally, you are a real angel!

And so I want to thank YOU Adèle! What you have created is a masterpiece. A recent compliment came from a friend’s husband. He looked at me as I was giggling with his wife (my best friend) and he said “I can’t believe how well adjusted you are!”. So the world sees it – you’ve given me my life back, and for this I thank you.

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