Biggest breakthrough experience

I did Naked Divorce about 3 years ago and it was utterly life-changing. I had been in therapy for 2 years with not much progress. I kept seeing Naked Divorce pop up and it took me a while to be ready to do the course as I knew that unlike all the aimless ‘chatting’ within therapy, that this course would be challenging and wasn’t for the fainthearted. I booked a call to chat with one of the angels and immediately knew it was the kind of rigor and structure I needed to push through all my pain and heal. I upgraded to work with Adele and it was an incredible experience. Naked Divorce wasn’t easy and I was often confronted with what I had to take responsibility for in my divorce. It is easier to sit in therapy and have someone tell you what you need to hear BUT this makes no difference. Pushing yourself through the eye of the needle does and the course is, to this day, the single biggest transformation I have ever had in my life. Everything changed after that, including my relationships with my parents, son, ex-husband and all my friends. I grew in self-confidence and just recently got engaged to a man I truly love. So if you want to be self-indulgent and tell your sad story 5000 times – go to therapy. If you want to heal in 21 days – do the Naked Divorce.

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