“Best investment I’ve ever made!”

Ben shares how after trying multiple different ways of treatment, Naked Divorce was the one that finally allowed him to feel at peace with himself

About our programme, Ben explains, “I’d made a lot of progress, but was totally stuck with the taking responsibility and forgiving part.” He states he was “Very satisfied” with how things went and would “Definitely” recommend us to finds in need, being most happy with our coaching support aspect. When asked why he chose the Naked Divorce, Ben explained, “I needed something to push me up the last little part of the path that I had been stuck on.” When asked if he could provide a quote directed towards others, he wrote, “As a man that went through a really rough time since my wife cheated on me then walked out 18 months ago, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the program. I’d made progress before signing up, but was stuck with the issue of responsibility. I couldn’t let go of my victim hood. Naked Divorce really worked for me, I’m at peace and have forgiven my ex, I only wish I’d found it sooner, although I might not have been ready. I’ve done some crazy retail therapy since my breakup, but this was one of the best investments I’ve ever made.”

Ben shares how after trying multiple different ways of treatment, Naked Divorce was the one that finally allowed him to feel at peace with himself
Ben, Paris
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