A work to live my life again

I am just over a year on from my Naked Divorce experience in Thailand. When a secondary trauma hit me a couple years on after separating from my husband, it floored me and I felt that all the traditional therapy work I’d done over the previous few years had been superficial, at my core I felt broken and, for the first time, actually hopeless. When my therapist suggested I fall back on the ‘coping’ strategies I’d developed something clicked and I realized that I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life ‘coping’, I wanted to LIVE my life.

Adele, through her program, enabled me to achieve that. As other reviewers have said, she isn’t just going to tell you what you want to hear. And the program will hurt, but like pulling a band aid off, it was so worth it for the freedom of emotion and life that I have now.

The Naked Divorce isn’t a ‘magic’ fix, it’s hard work, going through a well researched and structured program that so clearly delivers results. One of the most important aspects of the program is the focus on teaching and empowering you rather than just addressing individual issues.

The Naked Divorce experience has actually been beyond transformational for me. I have already recommended Adele to a friend who has now worked with her, and I would not hesitate to encourage others as well.

I’ve opened myself up to happiness again and am enjoying life!

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