A Journey to Peace and Hope

Hi Adele

I’ve been meaning to reach out to you for a while now. I’ve been waiting hoping to have a more definitive answer particularly regarding the sale of my ranch.
Anyway that’s still on the table and it’s coming close to closing the sale.

The last few months have been challenging, my health (it’s improving though!), more legal issues with my kids and ex, but I’ve handled everything in stride. I haven’t felt depressed or down for at least three months. I NEVER thought I’d get to the place I am now. I actually feel at peace. This is all thanks to you! I am so grateful!

I’ve put in an offer for a ’trulli’ villa in Italy and we are working through the details. I’ll be splitting my time between Florida and Italy.

I hope we can meet in person one day as I’d love to thank you in person. Maybe we can meet up in Italy!

Forever grateful !

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