Empowering You to Tell Your Kids About Divorce

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Delicate conversations — doesn't that sound challenging?

Picture this: the air feels heavy with a mix of emotions as you sit down with your children, ready to tell them about your divorce. Your heart races, and you grapple with the enormity of the words you’re about to utter. It’s a moment that tugs at your deepest emotions – the desire to shield them from hurt, the wish to explain without causing confusion.

What your children might be going through right now...

Telling your kids about your pending divorce may be the most difficult conversation you’ll ever have. Even if the announcement isn’t a huge surprise – perhaps you’re already separated or you’ve been arguing constantly – it’s only natural for children to want their parents and their family to stay together. Having to dash that dream is tough.

Problems sleeping
Problems concentrating at school
Bed wetting and anxiety
Lots of crying
Intense clinginess
Feeling physically and emotionally upset and very sensitive/ Inability to regulate emotions
Endless playing of video or computer games/ Need to dissociate from reality
Feelings of being responsible for the divorce
Poor Performance in Academics
Introduction of Destructive Behaviour
Difficulty Adapting to Change

In moments like these, empathy matters most. It’s about providing you with insights and tools to engage in conversations that are not only informative but also deeply compassionate. We’re here to help you navigate through this emotional landscape, ensuring your children’s well-being remains at the forefront.

Setting the Right Tone for the Path Ahead

When it comes to telling your children about divorce, the way you communicate matters. Our “Telling the Kids” program offers a concise 2-hour journey to equip you with essential insights on delivering this news in the most effective and gentle manner.

We recognize that setting the right tone and context now can shape the path ahead. Our program delves into every aspect, ensuring you’re well-prepared to have this crucial conversation with sensitivity and care. This isn’t just about delivering news; it’s about laying the groundwork for their understanding and emotional well-being.

Highlights of the Program:

  • Age-appropriate conversation guides for a smoother dialogue.
  • Real-life examples that promote understanding and connection.
  • Strategies to address your child’s emotional responses with sensitivity.
  • Effective co-parenting techniques post-conversation.


Why Choose Telling The Kids?

Empower Your Words: Gain the confidence to deliver your message effectively, setting the right tone for a smoother transition.
Tailored Guidance: Receive personalized strategies that fit your family's dynamics, ensuring your children's needs are met with understanding.
Shared Support: Join a community of parents who share experiences and insights, creating a network of encouragement as you navigate this journey.
Holistic Approach: Equip yourself with tools to create a stable environment, promoting emotional well-being and resilience throughout.

Heres the bad news

The vast majority of people tell their children about the divorce whilst they are upset which creates a massive trauma in their childrens’ lives. Some people lean on their kids during the divorce or feel a strong need for their love or reassurance. All these actions are detrimental to your children.

Heres the good news

Research shows that when you handle your divorce well, the children adjust remarkably well with the new situation. Telling them well sets up the whole context for the divorce and the context dictates alot about how the divorce will be perceived by them. Separating well is a function of having the right focus, support and careful progression through the stages of transition.

"This is a conversation that children will remember for the rest of their lives. Whilst there's no perfect way to break the news, there are ways to alleviate some of the sting"

M. Gary Neuman - author of Helping Your Kids Cope with Divorce

Don't leave it to change with telling your kids about your divorce

Risks caused by not telling children well about your divorce are significant and real both physically and mentally.



Data: Robert E. Emery, Marriage, Divorce and Children’s Adjustment” Sage Publications, 1988.



Data: National Health Interview Survey on Child Health, Journal of Marriage and the Family.



Data: Angel, Worobey, “Single Motherhood and Children’s Health” Harvard University Press 1981.

Where are you at?


Decide on and initiate the changes


Implement the changes


Resolve your feelings and integrate the changes

Naked Divorce has a solution for all stages of the divorce journey



As an expert working in divorce for over 12 years, a big mistake is telling kids when you are not in the best space. There’s also certain information which is critical to helping them adapt to the change and develop resiliency to change. How you tell your children sets the context for their experience of the whole divorce. Understanding some critical elements helps prepare you to handle this conversation and subsequent parenting conversations POWERFULLY.

Be SMART and get support. We help parents minimize the damage divorce can have on their children…

– Adele Theron –

Get support with the Naked Divorce Team

Telling the Kids program works alongside Separation Shift to help couples prepare and support their children through their divorce in the best way possible.

Guaranteed - 30 day money-back guarantee included with every program
Fast - Intensive 2-hour program, achieves rapid results
Divorce Program - Cheap
Fixed cost - All our programs are transparent with fixed pricing
Naked Divorce Expert
Expert - We are specialists in getting over divorce

"The Internet's #1 Divorce Recovery Company"

The Divorce Magazine

Telling the Kids Curriculum

Telling the Kids

The Fundamentals
  • Age-by-Age Guide on the Effects of Divorce on Children
  • 18 Shocking Children and Divorce Statistics
  • What Children ACTUALLY want from their parents during divorce
  • What Children believe about divorce and marriage
  • How to minimise the impact of the divorce on them
  • Communication rules to put in place with your ex or soon-to-be ex
  • The Principles of emotionally charged conversations
  • How to set the right frame or context
  • Phrases to use and repeat
  • Handling the fallout
  • Warning signs to watch out for
  • When to recognize issues and get support
  • Routines to set up and the fundamentals of the Parenting Plan
  • Ongoing management of their experience
  • The boxes your children have to have you in for their lives to make sense
  • The importance of NEVER leaning on your children. Always BE THE PARENT

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Naked Divorce Established


Adele Theron

The UKs number 1 Divorce Coach

Adele Theron Naked Divorce Divorce Coach Get Over Divorce Program
Adele Theron Naked Divorce Divorce Coach Get Over Divorce Program

The Founder of Naked Divorce Adèle Théron speaking on stage at the Mermaid Theatre, London

World class Divorce Coaches

I'm Adele, the Founder and proud to be the head coach of Naked Divorce

About Adele Theron

I'm Sally, a Divorce Coach and relationship coach with Naked Divorce

About Sally Golding

I'm Valerie, a Divorce Coach and relationship coach with Naked Divorce

About Valerie Sher

I'm Salli, a Divorce and relationship coach with Naked Divorce

About Salli Andrews

I'm Breanda, a Divorce and relationship coach with Naked Divorce

About Brenda Wilson

Emotions at the end of our Programs

Naked Divorce as a Professional Service









All Naked Divorce programs are...



Clear Steps

Have Clear Steps

Daily Tasks

Have Daily Tasks



Goal Orientated

Goal Orientated

Maintain high performance

Maintain high performance with around-the-clock support

Just a few of our testimonials

“Unbelievable, really life changing”

Canadian Catherine shares her transformational experience of doing the Haven retreat in Chiang Mai.

Watch Case Study →

Catherine on doing the Haven Naked Divorce retreat

Transformed after 10 years of trauma.

After my traumatic separation, the 21-day program with my coach Adele helped me find hope and healing. With daily routines, I’m now a better, more grounded and empathetic person.

Read Case Study →


How Adele Helped Us Find Our Voices and Separate as Friends

After 16 years together, my husband and I were trapped in a cycle of resentment and silence, unable to communicate. Adele’s no-nonsense, mirror-holding approach helped us rediscover our voices and gain self-awareness we never thought possible. With her guidance, we’re separating as friends, co-parenting successfully, and embracing this transition with open communication and mutual respect. Adele’s expertise is truly life-changing.

Read Case Study →


“The most rewarding programme!”

Naked Divorce really allowed me to focus on my effort. This is a huge determining factor in the overall success!

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Tom opens up on the multitude of benefits he experienced after completing the 21 day programme with Naked Divorce

“100% real, 100% effective!”

I was just amazed at how each step truly worked and how I felt myself making legitimate progress with each!

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Meagan shares her experience of completing the 21 day Naked Divorce Program

My Healing Journey in New Zealand

Adele’s insightful guidance and intensive immersion therapy transformed my life in just three weeks. Highly recommend her!

Watch Case Study →


"Me and my ex are friends which says alot for how our marriage was! Maybe if we had Naked Divorce during our marriage, we wouldn't have gotten divorced"


"Telling the Kids during Separation Shift helped us communicate effectively with each other and with our kids in a way we never could when we were married"


"Adele was a genius at helping us negotiate our divorce effectively and in loving partnership with each other. Our children benefited from this approach enormously"


"We have a great relationship now. We are better friends today than we were when we were married. That is all thanks to Separation Shift"


Widely Acclaimed

All Naked Divorce coaching programs are powerful in enabling you to reach clarity on your next steps and support you to initiate, implement and integrate the change into your life, ensuring that you transition your partnership to co-parent effectively. We deliver amazing breakthrough results for 97% of our participants. All programs are, not just from our customers, but also from the press, leading psychologists, psychiatrists and practitioners worldwide. This program has been featured on

Naked Divorce is Results Driven

Program Feedback

*taken from over 6132 participants over 6 years











Divorce Program - Trust Pilot

Emotional Freedom Divorce Program - Testimonial KS
Emotional Freedom Divorce Program - Testimonial STam

The Telling the Kids program is a great addition to the 3 month Separation Shift program to help couples support and manage the effects of their divorce on their children. The program is aimed at couples who want to transition their partnership with ease and grace, which helps them navigate through the divorce healing steps and bring about lasting improvements in their emotional life.


Free Bonus: Audio download


"Our goal is to empower 100,000 people to heal from divorce and see it as a crossroads in their life vs. the crisis it is for so many people globally" - Naked Divorce Team

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