How do I process my emotions and get over my divorce?
Many people struggle massively to recover emotionally from divorce. It’s a tough trauma to recover from as it’s what we call a shame-based trauma. Not only are you dealing with the shock of the change, you are also dealing with the judgement you either impose on yourself or is imposed upon you by your community, friends, family or church that failing in your relationship is somehow something to be ashamed of.
At Naked Divorce we have specialized in divorce solutions which are totally tailored to the recovery of this specific trauma because we understand everything about this trauma after studying it for years. The Naked Divorce Emotional Freedom program is a tried and test program to assist you in processing and resolving your feelings post divorce. It has a 97% success rate and over 6132 people have completed it in over 30 countries.
We also have the Naked Divorce Junior Thrive program to support juniors and teens and following the healing from divorce, we have the Smart Dating program to ensure you don’t attract the same kind of person as before back into your life. Next time around, you will date SMART.