A man in a suit screaming with a black background

Your Test Result Type is: Angry

Angry: Feeling or showing strong resentment; wrathful.

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The founder of Naked Divorce Adèle Théron gives a summary from your report

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Your answers revealed that you are currently trapped within a personality type we call Angry.

You’ll need to escape this ‘trap’ before you can become the powerful person you really are. This will not only enable you to recover from this life-trauma, but will also empower you as you move forward in your life.

Your full report is waiting for you, and contains specific case-studies, healing strategies, and quick wins that will help you to transition through this event swiftly, effortlessly, and powerfully.

A summary of your full report is given in the video above, and in the text below.

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A summary for those ‘Angry’

There are 5 specific break-up personality types. Each have their strengths and weaknesses. Learning more about yours will help you move forward…


You’ve arrived in this state due to a significant emotional trauma. Your body has chosen to use anger to channel the negative feelings you are experiencing rather than allow self-examination which may be more painful to do.

There can be various forms of denial following the collapse of a relationship. Anger is one of the darkest. We tend to feel ‘Anger’ when a situation cannot be corrected.

Some feel that their future has been stolen away from them. If we allow that type of thinking, a belief that cannot be easily solved it can often lead to Anger.

The state of Anger can also be reached due to a sense of injustice. When someone feels they have been put in a position of pain without justification, they often feel Anger and the need to retaliate.

It’s often said that vengeance or retaliation is like swallowing poison in the hope that someone else dies. That is, it can often do you more harm than your target. Don’t do it.

The emotion of Anger is an incredibly powerful tool when we need to take action. It can be an almost bottomless source of energy and really drives us to achieve our objectives. When our objectives are pure and worthy, this is great. When they are dark, and negative it is not.

This can be one of the hardest states to shake off, particularly if it comes from a sense of injustice.

In such a situation you need to get stable first and routines, good diet, avoiding alcohol can all help achieve this.

You then need to take an objective view of what you consider to be the source of the divorce. And be aware that you may not be correct. Often the source of this anger is not what it may seem.

In such a situation it is wise and hugely advantageous to have a professional unbiased and neutral coach to give their external perspective.

One particular challenge with this emotion is the sense of righteousness that often accompanies it. This tends to prevent the consideration of outside ideas or perspectives, and rather negative and downward negative spiral can be created.

Consider, if you can, that however painful this situation provides you with an opportunity for personal growth.

If Nelson Mandela forgave his captures after years of incarceration, then that shows there is something to learn in even the darkest of situations. Nelson went on to say that however hard that experience was, he wouldn’t change it as it helped make him the man he was.

Reframe your Anger into a positive energy. Refer to the full report for more information.


Left unchecked your anger will dominate and destroy every aspect of your life, including relationships with your family, work colleagues and certainly any future relationships.

If however your feeling of anger continues for days, weeks, or even longer then you need to address this. It is highly likely that whilst you are feeling and experiencing anger you haven’t yet expressed the full deepness of it. Thus it remains with you, and will prevent recovery.

There are specific exercises that can be performed to achieve this such as the infamous Naked Divorce Baseball exercise, and are included within the Naked Divorce 21 Day and Haven programs.

These exercises should be completed with professional direction, and so we don’t go into greater detail in this short summary.

You can learn more about your emotions by getting your hands on your Full Report, or through the Naked Divorce programs.

What you might be going through in the Angry stage of your divorce or break up

With a divorce or break up, almost everyone will feel jumpy, and it is normal to have intrusive memories of the break up event or things the other person said. Approximately two out of three of people will find that these symptoms fade over time. Other people may find that negative symptoms emerge sometime after the divorce occurred and almost seem to come “out of the blue”. This can seem very confusing, and they may ask themselves “why now?”. The truth is that divorce can trigger Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in some people and if not treated, can lead to long-term issues…

Problems sleeping
Problems concentrating or remembering things
Feeling hypervigilant
Upsetting memories come into your mind when you don’t want them to
Intense memories where it feels as though the trauma is happening to you again
Feeling physically and emotionally upset
Feeling disconnected or numb
Feelings of guilt/ shame or panic

Where are you at?


Decide on and initiate the changes


Integrate the changes


Resolve your feelings and integrate the changes

Naked Divorce has a solution for all stages of the divorce journey


Naked Divorce provides real-time rapid solutions to the life crises which develop out of divorce. Our Solutions include real-time online programs, rapid transformation retreats and real-time online coaching programs across the whole divorce journey. Our mission is to revolutionise the time-to-heal from emotional traumas to empower everyone to move forward faster. We achieve this by providing effective transformational programs with around-the-clock therapeutic support on tap. We are known for leaving our customers released from their suffering so they are free to begin living their new lives.

“If You Don't Heal What Hurt You, You'll Bleed on People Who Didn't Cut You.”


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At Naked Divorce we have specialists on hand to support you through the whole divorce journey with the aim to make the journey as drama-free and structured as possible. We help our clients bring order to the chaos and to solve big problems effortlessly. Our services are across the whole divorce journey.

Divorce can be transformational. Even empowering...

Hear how hundreds of people have completely recovered using Naked Divorce…

Gratitude for My Divorce Angel

This program mended my heart and rebuilt my confidence. I fondly call you the ‘narcissist whisperer’; your advice transformed my approach to my ex. My divorce is progressing amicably, and I’ve found someone lovely—the opposite of my ex. ‘Boring’ is pretty damn great.

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My Healing Journey in New Zealand

Adele’s insightful guidance and intensive immersion therapy transformed my life in just three weeks. Highly recommend her!

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Unforgettable Hospitality

Discover the heartfelt gratitude and cherished memories as Sally’s hospitality turns a trip into an extraordinary experience. A bond that guarantees a return.

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Practical Course Boosts Social Skills

Discover a practical course that enhances social skills for everyday interactions, parties, golfing, and more. Feel optimistic with entertaining instructor.

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Life-Changing: Heal, Grow, and Love Yourself

I found the life-changing Emotional Freedom Program. It helped me heal, grow, and love myself with expert coaching and counseling.

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Program That Freed Me From Emotional Baggage

The result was I could interact with ex-husband peacefully and focus on raising their son.

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Naked Divorce Recovery Data​

Collated user feedback taken prior to Naked Divorce and after the completion of Naked Divorce

Data: Data above is based on self assessment from customers completing the Naked Divorce Clarity and Haven Retreats as well as all our online programs. This program (or variations) started in 2012 and data has been recorded from mid 2017.

Data: Data is updated every quarter. Last Update: 03 Jan 2020.

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Adele Theron

The UKs number 1 Divorce Coach

Adele Theron Naked Divorce Divorce Coach Get Over Divorce Program
Adele Theron Naked Divorce Divorce Coach Get Over Divorce Program

The Founder of Naked Divorce Adèle Théron speaking on stage at the Mermaid Theatre, London

Widely Acclaimed

All Naked Divorce coaching programs are powerful in enabling you to reach clarity on your next steps and support you to initiate, implement and integrate the change into your life, ensuring that you transition your partnership to co-parent effectively. We deliver amazing breakthrough results for 97% of our participants. All programs are, not just from our customers, but also from the press, leading psychologists, psychiatrists and practitioners worldwide. This program has been featured on Sky News, BBC Breakfast, Marie Claire, Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and many many many others…

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Emotional Freedom Divorce Program - Testimonial KS
Emotional Freedom Divorce Program - Testimonial STam

"Me and my ex are true partners in crime now. I thank this program for creating the structure for us to consciously uncouple"


"The support I received in planning my divorce powerfully was invaluable. I don’t think I would have the relationship with my ex today, if it wasn’t for Adele”


"Naked Divorce saved me years of misery! I am dating again and feel positive and excited about life."


"Naked Divorce is a godsend and I am very grateful for their support during my divorce."


“Sally really helped me navigate the emotional healing journey. Not sure I could have done it without her”


"Adele was a genius at helping us negotiate our divorce effectively and in loving partnership with each other."


Healing Journey

Healing Journey

There are seven emotional steps to a full recovery following divorce. All Naked Divorce programs help to move you through each of these phases. 


"Our goal is to empower 10,000 people to heal from divorce and see it as a crossroads in their life vs. the crisis it is for so many people globally" - Naked Divorce Team

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