A summary for those feeling Meh!
There are 5 specific break-up personality types. Each have their strengths and weaknesses. Learning more about yours will help you move forward…
You are in this state due to a significant emotional trauma. Your body has chosen to be in a state of apathy or Meh! To deflect the painful emotions that you would otherwise be experiencing.
The state of Meh! can often be misunderstood as ‘Denial’, however there are some subtle but critical differences. Those in Denial tend to be highly functioning and can perform their daily tasks without much difficulty, whilst those in the state of Meh! often find even the smallest of chores or tasks beyond them.
It’s not that you can’t perform these tasks; you just don’t care enough to do so.
The Meh! state will help you suppress the pain of the real emotions that may live deep within you. It can be a ‘dark’ state though, so be careful. Unlike Denial, those around you will know you are in it, even if they don’t what to call it, or why you are there.
You may find yourself being unnecessarily rude (although it’s possible you may not even be aware of it), certainly non-caring, and your sense of sympathy is highly diminished.
As a result you may become more isolated from friends, colleagues, family. You may lose interest in work, personal hygiene, and other boring realities of life. This can start a vicious cycle, and you may quickly lose your support network that would normally help you escape it.
Meh! may on the surface appear one of the less extreme of the emotions. Whilst it has less impact on others when compared with for example Anger, or Grieving it can have the deepest and most severe impact on yourself.
Those in the state of Meh! are often those that are least likely to reach out for help. And have the least amount of options to reach out too. This exaggerates the situation. It can also be the hardest to get people out of.
Those that escape it, often resort to drastic measures to shake themselves out of it. If you ever read about Britney Spears shaving all her hair off – you get the idea.
We may mock these people, you may even know someone that performed a similar mid-life-crisis type action, but if that’s what’s needed to escape its worthwhile doing. A small shake-up action now, is better than a more dramatic and potentially more damaging shake-up later.
The best short-term advice is to get into routine.
This may feel totally boring and pointless, but it will provide you with some stability, that will eventually help you to process the deeper trauma inside.
Left unchecked, your apathy (Meh-ness) will rob you of an exciting and fulfilled emotional life. This may affect your career, your family interactions, and prevent you from having fulfilling relationships in the future.
If however your feeling of MEH continues for days, weeks, or even longer then you need to address this. It is highly likely that whilst you are feeling and experiencing this emotion, you haven’t yet expressed the full deepness of your divorce and are probably keeping alot of those emotions at arm’s length. Thus it remains with you, and will prevent recovery. Be very cautious about engaging in too many emotion avoidance tactics – this just comes back to bite you in your next relationship…
There are specific exercises that can be performed to achieve this such as the infamous Naked Divorce Baseball exercise, and are included within the Naked Divorce 21 Day and Haven programs.
These exercises should be completed with professional direction, and so we don’t go into greater detail in this short summary.
You can learn more about your emotions by getting your hands on your Full Report, or through the Naked Divorce programs.