A summary for those ‘in Denial’
There are 5 specific break-up personality types. Each have their strengths and weaknesses. Learning more about yours will help you move forward…
You’ve arrived in this state due to a significant emotional trauma. Your body has selected the emotion of denial to protect you from your reality which is more painful and hard for you to process.
Being in ‘Denial’ can help you survive and ‘operate’ in the short-term. It will help you feed yourself, go to work, look after the children and perform all the critical life exercises you need to.
The downside is this emotion protects you from reality. It hides your real emotions, even from yourself, and as such you will likely struggle to process them, and therefore will find it hard to ‘move on’.
If you have ever met someone claiming to be single and happy when you know they really are not – then you have met someone who is in ‘denial’.
People can remain in the state of denial for weeks, months, and often years – it can be hard to break out of. It takes action to escape it.
Don’t allow yourself to remain in this state for very long!
‘Denial’ can be very useful in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic event, but without taking pro-active action it is one of the most damaging of all the break-up personality types.
Left unchecked, your denial will hold you back in every area of your life, including any future relationships as well as your career.
If however your feeling of denial continues for days, weeks, or even longer then you need to address this. It is highly likely that whilst you are feeling and experiencing denial you haven’t yet expressed the full deepness of your shock, grief or upset. Thus it remains with you, and will prevent recovery. You don’t want to get into a position where you feel frozen in time and paralysed in in-action. Take back control of this situation and get clarity on what is happening.
There are specific exercises that can be performed to achieve this such as the infamous Naked Divorce Baseball exercise, and are included within the Naked Divorce 21 Day and Haven programs.
These exercises should be completed with professional direction, and so we don’t go into greater detail in this short summary.
You can learn more about your emotions by getting your hands on your Full Report, or through the Naked Divorce programs.