PTSD & Divorce: Meditation
for Calming Your Anxiety

Divorce is a traumatic and emotionally taxing journey for anyone to go through and it can lead to PTSD. Anxiety, stress and nightmares are some of the most common symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and managing your thoughts is an essential aspect of managing the mental health disorder.

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How Meditation
Can Help PTSD

When you think of PTSD, you might imagine a vet coming back from a war or someone that has been in a traumatic car accident, however, many people develop PTSD after divorce too.

Meditation is something that can help to better manage the symptoms of PTSD. Of course, it should be used in conjunction with other treatments prescribed by professional medical practitioners, but studies have proved that it is beneficial for those suffering from PTSD.

The main ways that meditation can help those
dealing with symptoms of PTSD are as follows:

  • Reduces stress: Stress is one of the main triggers of PTSD after divorce and it is caused by the production of a hormone called cortisol. Meditation teaches you to clear your thoughts, relax and let go of any stressors that might be triggering your reaction.
  • Controls anxiety: The shock of divorce leaves many people feeling uncertain about their future and what that might look like. Uncertainty leads to anxiety, which can trigger PTSD symptoms. The breathing and mindfulness techniques used in meditation are excellent in helping to control anxiety and can center you in the here and now, rather than worrying too much about the future.
  • Enhances self-awareness: Self-destructive behaviors are a common symptom of PTSD and meditation aims to help you develop a greater understanding of yourself. This can help you to recognize the thoughts and feelings that might be harmful or self-defeating. You will gain a greater awareness of your thought habits and how to steer them towards patterns that are more constructive.
  • Improves sleep: People dealing with PTSD often struggle to sleep. Anxiety and stress cause overthinking and stop sleep from arriving and when they do fall asleep, nightmares often wake them up. Sleep deprivation can cause even more stress and anxiety and this just perpetuates the PTSD cycle. Meditation can help you control or redirect runaway thoughts that keep you from your sleep. It can also help you to relax your body, release the tension in your muscles and provide the perfect peaceful state to encourage your mind and body to welcome sleep.

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